For Schools
First shown on Tuesday
(to 10.00)
For Schools
Previously shown on Monday
(to 10.30)
Previously shown on Tuesday and Wednesday
(to 10.55)
For Schools
Previously shown on Wednesday
(to 11.25)
The story of a long journey
Benjamin, a young Jersey calf, is bought by an agent from a Suffolk farm to be sent by air to Kenya.
BBC film for Schools
First shown in May 1961
(to 11.55)
News in Welsh.
(Welsh transmitters and Holme Moss, Sutton Coldfield, Crystal Palace)
Edrychwn ymhell ac yn agos Drwy ffilm a thrwy drafod
Daw Cymru a'r byd i'r aelwyd I'ch difyrru
Wrth eich cinto
Y cyflwynydd, OWEN EDWARDS Y cynhvrchu, IFOR
Y golygydd. NAN DAVIES
Today: a topical magazine.
(Welsh transmitters and Holme Moss, Sutton Coldfield, Crystal Palace)
What is Pain?
Dr. A. G. McDonald Weddell, A Neurologist
Experience of Pain
Suzanne Charise, Gabriel Fielding, William Simpson
The Meaning of Pain
Anthony Quinton, Dr. Donald Soper
Interviewers, Elaine Grand, Kenneth Kendall
Introduced by Leonard Maguire.
People-Politics-Problems in the news
A topical programme for older children.
For Schools
The subject for next week will be announced at the end of this programme.
For the very young
David Enders tells the story.
Sam and Elizabeth Williams make the pictures
BBC film
(to 14.45)
assisted by Sweep and Harry Corbett.
From the North
Opened by Eamonn Andrews assisted by Tony Hart.
The Inter-Regional Quiz Championship
This week's team: Scotland
Brief Cases
by Michael Meath.
A daily presentation of news and views from London and the South-East.
Introduced by Michael Aspel.
followed by The Weather
Your host, Andy Stewart introduces Norma Cairns, James Urquhart, Dixie Ingram,
Harry Carmichael, The White Heather Dancers and Jimmy Shand and his Band.
From Scotland
Look around with Cliff Michelmore, Derek Hart, Alan Whicker, Fyfe Robertson, Trevor Philpott, Macdonald Hastings, Julian Pettifer, Brian Redhead and The Countrymen.
A series by Hazel Adair and Peter Ling.
Tim and Lynn reach the end of their search, while Alan becomes the unwilling witness to a theft. For Mark and Adrian, a newcomer to the office is an unhappy surprise.
Highlights of American humour.
Introduced by George Burns.
with contributions from: Bob Hope, Phil Silvers, Martin and Lewis, The Marx Brothers, Charlie Chaplin, W.C. Fields, Laurel and Hardy, Buster Keaton and a host of other stars.
A film from NBC Project 20 series
Moiseiwitsch plays music of his choice and talks to John Freeman, Editor of the New Statesman.
with the Philharmonia Orchestra
Leader, Hugh Bean
Conducted by Charles Groves
from Hungary
Highlights from the evening's main event held in the open-air Ice Stadium in Budapest.
Tonight: The Men's Free Skating
Presented in collaboration with the Hungarian Television Service
A weekly programme about People and Politics.
A fortnightly programme.
If I thought Christianity meant what most people think it means, I would not believe it at all
In an interview with Christopher Driver of The Guardian, The Bishop of Middleton
The Rt. Rev. E. R. Wickham who was once a technician in a plastics factory, speaks about the relevance of Christianity for a machine-age world.