For the Very Young
Audrey Atterbury and Molly Gibson pull the strings
Gladys Whitred sings the songs
Peter Hawkins speaks the voices
Maria Bird writes the songs and music
(A BBC television film)
Introduced by Arthur Garratt.
A light-hearted magazine for younger women.
Contents include:
It's a Woman's World
Vera McKechnie invites Madame Prunier to prove the point.
Beauty Spot with Pat Bowden
Singing for You
Denis Martin with Tom McCall at the piano.
Robert Gladwell introduces the programme and asks How? What? Why?
Quick and Easy Dressmaking: 26 - Jersey Dress
A French design filmed by Radio-diffusion-Television Francaise.
Demonstrated by Diana Crutchley.
Full instructions for making this Jersey Dress, and the garments to be demonstrated by Diana Crutchley in the next two programmes in this fortnightly series, were printed in a supplement in Radio Times published on September 13. Back numbers of Radio Times can be obtained from your newsagent.
A folder to hold all Women's Television Notes printed as supplements in Radio Times can be obtained from BBC Publications (Folders), [address removed] Price 2/post free. (Crossed postal orders, please -not stamps)
(to 15.15)
Eamonn Andrews with the help of some young assistants opens Playbox which contains games, music, and brain-teasers.
and The Inter-Regional Quiz Championship
A regular feature in which children from all over the country take part.
On transmitters serving the areas:
6.10 News for Scotland, Northern Ireland, and BBC Regions
News for Wales: 6.15-6.20
Look around with Cliff Michelmore.
With Derek Hart, Geoffrey Johnson Smith and this week, Sheila Buxton, Cy Grant
Thomas Mitchell plays the part of the famous American author in the first of a new series of films based on his short stories.
This story is about a very intelligent and attractive young woman who has written a book about the sanctity of marriage. The publisher fears that her own personal conduct, as he sees it, may affect the sales of the book.
Wynford Vaughan Thomas brings the Empire Theatre, Swansea Back to Life
with The Western Brothers, The Joe Slack Trio, The Peter Crawford Trio and Lucille Graham.
The Empire, Swansea, one of the best known of provincial music-halls, is now only a stripped and battered shell. Tonight's programme will be the last Variety bill ever to play there and brings to an end a great era in entertainment.
See panel
Six stories from Soho by Berkely Mather.
Peter Dimmock introduces Sportsview
Television's weekly sports magazine for the family.
Amateur Boxing: The Britannia Shield Trophy
An international competition between representative teams from the Royal Air Force, the U.S. Air Forces in Europe, and the Armed Forces of Belgium and the Netherlands.
From the Empire Pool and Sports Arena, Wembley.
Introduced by Paul Massie.
At seventeen, life looks wonderful to two young Canadians; they are in love and both have part-time jobs to help them save. This film touches with understanding on many of the problems that face the teenager in Canada: the problems of adjustment to an adult world, of 'going steady', and of planning for a secure future in an insecure world.
A report for Television introduced by Christopher Chataway with filmed extracts of speeches and interviews and discussions from Brighton.
followed by Weather and Close Down