Cystadleuaeth gweld a gwylio a gwahoddiad i chwi sydd gartref i ymuno a'r ddau dim yn y stiwdio mewn rhaglen arall yn y gyfres hon
Holwr, Alun Williams
Y cynhyrchu gan
Lorraine Davies
Y telediad o dan ofal
Meurig Jones
(Children's Television in Welsh)
(Wenvoe, Holme Moss and Sutton Coldfield only)
(to 13.00)
A play of detection by Raymond Bowers.
[Starring] Terence Morgan and Bernard Lee
The action takes place at the Clostins' house, off Knightsbridge in London.
(A BBC telerecording of the broadcast on January 1)
Judging is in progress and champions of many breeds are seen when BBC Outside Broadcast cameras visit the world's greatest dog show at Olympia.
Introduced by Peter West and Stanley Dangerfield.
(A further visit to Cruft's Dog Show: tonight at 8.30)
A series of six plays by Berkely Mather
(A BBC telerecording of last Saturday's broadcast)
Kingfish has a difficult time proving to Sapphire that he has not been unfaithful.
For Older Children
An exciting film story of the Wild West.
Hopalong Cassidy meets a mysterious "Professor", who runs a gang of rustlers. After a thrilling showdown Hopalong rounds up the bad men and unmasks the "Professor".
(to 18.00)
followed by Today's Sport
Presenting stop-press news and some of today's big sporting moments on film.
Interesting people who are In Town Tonight interviewed by John Ellison.
(Simultaneous broadcast with the London, Midland, North, and West of England Home Services)
A series of six plays by Berkely Mather.
A special reconstruction for BBC Outside Broadcast cameras of the last stages of the judging.
Introduced by Peter West.
[Starring] Jimmy James
with Joan Turner, Reginald Dixon, The Kordites, Ravic and Babs, John Hanson, Eddie Leslie, Corinne Grey, Bretton Woods, Herbert Smith, The Hindley-Taylor Singers and the BBC Northern Variety Orchestra directed by Alyn Ainsworth.
From the Playhouse Theatre, Manchester.
(Reginald Dixon appears by permission of the Tower Company, Blackpool)
Come with Robert Beatty "The Man with the Mike".
See things happen! When they happen! Where they happen!
This week's programme presented by Nicholas Crocker
Another in the series of early American films showing the beginning of the slapstick technique in "Married for Millions".
Today's Sport on your Screen Tonight
Outside Broadcast and Sportsview Unit film cameras bring you a nation-wide coverage of today's sporting highlights.
Introduced by Kenneth Wolstenholme.