Lawn Tennis: The Davis Cup (Third Round) - France v. India From Stade Roland Garros, Paris.
and International Twenty-four-hour Motor Race at Le Mans
Commentator at Le Mans, Raymond Baxter who writes about the race on page 11
Exact timings of this afternoon's programmes are being left open to enable the highlights of both events to be televised, but the period between 3.45 and 4.15 will be devoted to the concluding laps of the twenty-four-hour race at Le Mans
Presented by the French Television Service
Children's Newsreel
Bows and Arrows
Max Robertson watches young archers at practice at the Butts in the grounds of Blaise Castle Estate, Bristol.
The Three Wishes
A play by J. A. Brown.
Adapted for television and produced by Rex Tucker.
(Previously televised last Thursday)
(to 18.15)
Monday's edition, 6.30 app.; Tuesday's edition, 6.44 app.; Wednesday's edition, 6.58 app.; Thursday's edition, 7.12 app.; Friday's edition, 7.26 app. followed by Weather Chart and Interlude
Members of the Grand Western Archery Society demonstrate their skill at target practice and an expert archer shows Max Robertson some of the traditional feats of English bowmen.
From Blaise Castle Estate, Bristol.
with Isobel Barnett, Barbara Kelly, David Nixon, Gilbert Harding and Eamonn Andrews.
('What's My Line?' was devised by Mark Goodson and Bill Todman, and is presented by arrangement with CBS of America and Maurice Winnick)
See foot of page
Second performance: Thursday at 9.25 p.m.
Second in the play cycle entitled 'The Promised Years' by Iain MacCormick.
The action takes place in Berlin during the time of the air-lift.
Sergeant Kutsky met Anna in 1945, in that farmhouse near the little Italian village that was unnecessarily destroyed. He sought her parents' permission to marry her and promised to come back to claim her. All that happened in The Liberators.
Now Kutsky and Anna are married but still in Europe. Anna has had none of the ease and security she expected from marrying an American. Instead of a house and a car in the U.S.A. she finds herself "in a two-roomed apartment in a nasty little German town". For the Berlin air-lift is on and Kutsky is often away. Is it surprising that Anna gets lonely?
Peggy Gray (accompanist)
Berceuse de Jocelyn - Godard
Theme and Variations - Haydn, arr. Piatti
Spanish Serenade - Glazunov
Hymn to the Sun - Rimsky-Korsakov, arr. Kreisler
Trinity Sunday is the principal occasion in the Church's year for the ordination of priests and deacons. The Rt. Rev. Cyril Easthaugh, Bishop of Kensington, speaks about the Christian ministry.
(sound only)