H.G. Ponting's film of Captain Scott's epic journey to the South Pole.
(to 16.25)
Olive Shapley tells a story for the younger ones.
Music for Good Friday sung by Marion Studholme
"The Flower on the Thorn Tree"
A play by P.D. Cummins
(to 18.00)
A romantic ballet by Fokine to music by Chopin.
See foot of page
(Alicia Markova, Violetta Elvin, Svetlana Beriosova, and John Field appear by permission of the General Administrator, Covent Garden Opera Trust, Ltd.)
Alicia Markova writes on page 6
Hoghton Tower, 'the house on the spur of a hill', is the subject of tonight's film in this series. Built by Thomas Hoghton in the sixteenth century on land granted to the de Hoghton family by William the Conqueror, the house still stands today almost unchanged by succeeding generations, a prized example of the early renaissance style.
at the piano.
Introduced by Kenneth Wright.
An unrehearsed discussion on topics of the week.
Speakers: Walter Elliot M.P., H.B. Hylton-Foster M.P., Anthony Greenwood M.P., J.B. Hynd M.P.
Chairman, Frank Byers
See 'Television Diary' - page 15
(sound only)