(Composite edition)
(to 12.00)
A Variety magazine.
Introduced by Humphrey Lestocq and interrupted by Mr. Turnip.
Box of Tricks with Geoffrey Robinson
Sing Merrily, Sing! with Leslie Woodgate
Stranger from Space: 1 - Crash Landing
Hank Rides Again
(to 18.00)
by Arthur Conan Doyle
Adapted by C.A. Lejeune
[Starring] Alan Wheatley as Mr. Sherlock Holmes
(Next week: "A Scandal in Bohemia")
C.A. Lejeune writes on page 47
Where your host Al Burnett introduces artists old and new including: Sue Carson, Freddie Sales, The Two Randows, The Three Monarchs, Audrey Wayne, Muriel Young, Audrey Smith, The Twelve Toppers.
The Rendezvous Orchestra Directed by Eric Robinson
Written and told by John Slater.
(Friday's edition repeated)
The Prime Minister The Rt. Hon. C. R. Attlee, C.H.
(Recording of the talk given in the Home Service at 9.15 p.m.)