(to 12.00)
Mary Malcolm answers a dress-making problem submitted by a viewer.
Julie Mars gives an early view of spring and summer fashions which can be made at home.
Margot Lovell suggests uses for sale remnants.
Fashions selected by Bettie Spurling.
The art of barrel-making is demonstrated in this film by Monsieur Valentin, cooper, his master-craftsman Cremier, and the apprentice Felix who carry on their business at Lunei in the wine-country of Languedoc.
A short film which shows how the natives of the Gold Coast are being taught to make their own building material and build their own houses.
(to 16.00)
Britain's great national science service, the National Physical Laboratory at Teddington, is fifty years old this month. Tonight Wynford Vaughan Thomas and David Martin take you to hear something of the history of this important establishment and see some of the most fascinating experiments and tests that are carried out during the investigation of Britain's industrial problems.
Directed by Victor Silvester featuring
Victor Silvester and his Ballroom Orchestra
Demonstrations by Bob Henderson and Eileen Henshall and Lyndon and Felicia
Hostess, Patti Morgan
(sound only)
(to 22.15)