(to 12.00)
with all the old log cabin favourites including
Peggy Bailey (Sweet voice of the West), Buck Douglas (the old cowpuncher), Norman Harper (the yodelling buckaroo), Sergt. O'Doherty (of the Royal Canadian Mounties), Ronnie Brohn and the Bunkhouse Band
(Second performance Wednesday, 8.30)
This is Britain
Apple-Blossom Time
An ancient Polish singing and dancing festival celebrated each spring in country districts.
(to 16.00)
A Television Magazine.
Introduced by McDonald Hobley.
Inspector Gribble Investigates
A series by John P. Wynn.
with Frank Foster as the Inspector.
Cue for Music
A musical guest.
Puzzle Corner with Ronnie Waldman
It Happened to Me!
Celebrities describe their worst moment.
and Every Man his Own... with Richard Hearne
Nat Allen and his Orchestra
All correspondence in connection with this programme should be addressed to 'Kaleidoscope', [address removed]
J. F. Horrabin chooses a topical subject, and with the help of Margaret Horrabin illustrates it with animated maps.
(sound only)
(to 22.15)