Says Good Morning Sunday. His special guests are TV presenter and newsreader
Fiona Bruce and Canon Anne
With Radio 2 All-Time Greats.
Ragtime to reggae and waltz to the Wurlitzer.
Music, chat and letters. PHONE: [number removed]
WRITETO: BBC Pebble Mill, Birmingham. B5 7QQ
With Melodies for You.
Roger Royle explores the idea of sacrifice for Lent and reflects on food and the spiritual exercise of fasting in a special series. This edition considers what it means to give up modern idols and features music from
St Michael 's Singers, Coventry, and hymns sung in churches around the country.
The age of swing, with music from the dance bands and big bands of Britain and America.
Easy listening, album reviews and Our Kind of Music.
At 1.30 Pause for Thought from Wales.
Sits in for Alex Lester all this week. At 3.30 Pause for
Thought from Wales.