The Sunday Show
says Good Morning Sunday and welcomes his special guest Lord Hailsham of St Marylebone Including at 7.45 Prayer Slot
Producer SARAH RUTTY. BBC Bristol
Introduced by John Lawrenson BBC Concert Orchestra led by MARTIN LOVEDAY conducted by Ashley Lawrence Producer ALAN BOYD
Your Radio 2 All-Time Greats Producer ROYSTON HERBERT
Regional Variations (2)
Russell Davies
Golf from the European Masters in Switzerland, tennis from the US Open at Flushing Meadow, American football from the Budweiser Bowl at Loftus Road, and one-day international cricket from the Oval as ENGLAND meet SRI LANKA. Producer PETER GRIFFITHS
with Sounds Easy Producer ROYSTON HERBERT
Barry Wordsworth presents and conducts the BBC Concert Orchestra led by MARTIN LOVEDAY Producer ALAN BOYD
Cliff Adams Singers Jack Emblow Quartet Producer JIM BEAMAN
with your Sunday Soapbox
Ring in between 6.30 and 7.30 on [number removed]j Producer DAVID WELSBY 1 BBC Pebble Mill
Write to: Charlie Chester
BBC Pebble Mill Birmingham B5 7QQ
The second of two programmes in which Moira Shearer presents her favourite selection of music, from Mozart to
Rodgers and Hart, and Strauss to Stephen Sondheim. Producer JOHN LANGRIDGE
from Wesley Chapel , Camborne Introduced by Colin Evans
Hymns: All hail the power of Jesu's name (Diadem); Peace, perfect peace (Pax tecum);
Blessed assurance (Lamanva); All praise to our redeeming
Lord (Lucius); Think of a world without any flowers (Genesis); Sweet is the work (Deep
Harmony); Sing we the King who is coming (Glory Song); Hear us, 0 Lord (Peel Castle); Mine eyes have seen the glory (Battle Hymn)
Musical director WINIFRED WING Organist CLIVE ELLISON BBCBristol
A selection of personal favourites presented by Earl Spencer
Highlights from the great shows of stage and screen are recalled by the BBC Radio Orchestra led by MICHAEL TOMALIN conducted by Grant Hossack This week's special guest singers are Mary Louise Clark and Tudor Davies.
Presented by David Kernan Producer JOHN LANGRIDGE the piano
presents Sounds of Jazz
News, views and interviews from the world of jazz. After midnight, the Jack Sharpe Big Band recorded at the Prince of Orange, Rotherhithe, London. Producer KEITH STEWART
12.00 FM rejoins Radio 2
presents Nightride with music and company to speed away the dark hours
A musical sequence to please the ear in the early hours
The Early Show