including Food Queries With TONY DE ANGELI
Bill Geldard Tcntette
at 2.2 Sports Desk
Plus Family Favourites shared with AUSTRALIA and Where Are You Nowt at 3.2 Sports Desk
at 4.2; 5.30 Sports Desk
including at 6.45 on Sport and Classified Results
Spanning over a century of music.
Presented by John Marsh Producer KRISS rusmanis
Wally Whyton presents a weekly get-together featuring news and reviews and the best in country music. including a report from Nashville Producer COLIN CHANDLER
This week: The Hollywood Musical Directors. John Benson continues his musical profile of Alfred Newman. Introduced by Nick Jackson
Written and compiled by LYN FAIRHURST
Producer TONY LUKE
9.57 Sports Desk
Written by Andrew Palmer
[Starring] Leslie Phillips and Jill Bennett
with Norma Ronald and Joe Dunlop
It's not easy, being chauffeur to your ex-wife. Especially when she's wealthy and you're broke....
presents Round Midnight Music and conversation with personalities from the worlds of theatre, cinema, literature.leisure and the arts generally. Stereo from 12.0
Presented by David Bellan including Trucking with Tracy with Sheila Tracy