The Early Show Is
... a warm shower of music
features hits and headlines from 1962 and 1965, The Birthday File. Our Tune, your daily horoscope and Headlines.
including at 12.30 pm Newsbeat with Janet Trewin
Just send a postcard with your name, address and telephone number, to: Select-a-Disc, BBC Radio 1.
London WlA 4WW it you're one at the lucky ones chosen, Janice will ring you live on the air and you can select your favourite Top 40 hit and have a dedication.
Producer DAVE atket
with Janet Trewin
direct from the Motorfair. Earls Court. London
Ian Dury. Martin Fry of ABC and dj Mike Smith join Richard Skinner In reviewing this week's new record releases.
Producer john Walters
kicks off the weekend with some of the best tn rock music and takes a topical look at the sporting calendar.
Classic rock music, past and present
Stereo from 10.00