The Golden Hour
Past, Present and Future First to Last: the lOcc Hit File and Our Tune
including at 12.30 pm Newsbeat with Laurie Mayer
including at 5.30 Newsbeat with Laurie Mayer
Anne Nightingale features listeners' letters on almost any subject.
Recent letters expressed the following views:
' Surely abortion is an issue which affects the woman or the couple concerned and the decision should be made without any pressure on either side. I believe that every woman who sincerely wants an abortion should be allowed to have one. An abortion is not an easy way out of a pregnancy and I think that no woman goes through the trauma of obtaining one unless she feels it's truly necessary.' ' In contemporary society one of our most important obligations is the preservation of life. Take for example the phasing out of the death sentence. Consequently, should not an unborn, living human be protected by a society that is so dedicated to preservation? '
Send your problems, comments, questions and criticisms to: Radio 1 Mailbag, BBC, London WIA 4WW
with Peter Mayne