Posthaste: if you've sent a card in to DLT asking to take part in his Breakfast Show, then watch out for the special Radio 1 envelope which may arrive through your door with the invitation to be on the Posthaste Line. Hundreds of cards are sent out with the week's special secret number and may give you the chance, even if you don't own a phone yourself, to chat to DLT and possibly win a super prize by correctly identifying artists or missing lyrics in songs. Each invitation is valid for a week. If you haven't sent in a card yet, write to DLT, Posthaste Line, BBC, London WIA 4WW.
The Golden Hour
Past, Present and Future First to Last: the lOcc Hit File and Our Tune
including at 12.30 pm Newsbeat with Laurie Mayer
including at 5.30 Newsbeat with Laurie Mayer
Mailbag Special:
Is Christianity Eyewashf Anne Nightingale tackles a group of Christians about their faith and how it affects their lives. Guests will include a 'professional Christian' and a number of young believers. Anne will be picking questions from the letters listeners sent in about Christianity: How do you know God exists?
How do your beliefs affect your behaviour?
Does the Christian today really turn the other cheek?
If there is a heaven is there really a hell?
Why does God allow wars and disasters to happen? Producer simon major
Send your problems, comments, questions and criticisms to: Radio 1 Mailbag, BBC, London WIA 4WW
with Peter Mayne