Presented from the souin East by Joe Hull
6.25 Shipping forecast long wave only
Presenters Peter Hobday and Graham Leach
6.45* Prayer for the Day With THE REV JOHN CONODON
6.55, 7.55 Weather forecast
7.0, 8.0 Today's News
7.25*, 8.25* Sport
7.30. 8.30 News headlines
7.45* Thought for the Day Editor JULIAN HOLLAND
with Peter Donaldson
looks at it Ms way with the help of the BBC Sound Archives.
(Repeated: Fri 11.45 pm)
8.57 Weather; travel
Lively conversation from the personalities who will be in the news this week.
long wave only
long wave only
The Return by ROBERT COWAN
Read by Fraser Kerr Producer MITCH RAPER long wave only
NEM, P 114; Tell out, my soul, the greatness of the Lord (BP 81); Psalm 29; Deuteronomy 7. vv 6-13
(RSV); Have faith in God, my heart (BP 28)
followed by travel long wave only
Brian Johnston visits Ashington in Northumberland and discovers a mining rescue unit, aluminium smelting, prize leeks and whippet racing.
Producer ANTHONY SMITH BBC Bristol
long wave only
Presenter Dannie Abse Readers RAY SMITH and ROSALIND SHANKS
Producer BRIAN PATTEN BBC Bristol long wave only
Paul Heiney and Pattie Coldwell take over British radio's only daily consumer news programme. Family finance, education, health, housing, transport services, leisure and all the many problems we face in our everyday lives are grist to the daily mill.
How do events and decisions affect you and your family? How do you know you are getting fair deal? Each day the You and Yours phone lines are open for your comments, suggestions and questions. Ring [number removed]
HELP! page 75
Kenneth Williams Clement Freud Derek Nimmo and Peter Jones submit themselves to the unhesitating, undeviating and unrepetitious discipline of Nicholas Parsons (or not)
(Repeated: Tues 10.30 pm)
12.55 Weather: travel: programme news
Presenter Nick Ross Editor DEREK LEWIS
1.55 Shipping forecast long wave only
long wave only
with Sue MacGregor
Metabolic Diseases: SUSAN BOOTH investigates the incurable disorders with which some children are born... The King's General by DAPHNE DU MAURIER Read in 15 parts by JILL BALCON (3)
Editor WYN KNOWLES long wave only
The Bohemians by DAVID NATHAN
An occasional series about people who are happy at their work. 7: The Chef:
David Wralght
Producer JOCK GALLAGHER BBC Birmingham
The Russian Interpreter (6)
with Valerie Singleton and Chris Lowe
Editor DEREK LEWIS on VHF until 5.55
5.50 Shipping forecast long wave only
5.55 Weather: programme news
With PAULINE BUSHNELL including Financial Report
Written by JAMES ROBSON (Repeated: Tues 1.40 pm) Cast for the week:
BBC Birmingham
(Revised repeat of 9.5 am)
Urbane Riots by PETER WHALLEY
' I've seen him at home, when he hasn't known
I've been watching, and you can tell by his face - Ms eves mostly -that he's yelling away at somebody or other inside his head ... '
Directed by TONY CLIFF BBC Manchester
Ludovic Kennedy talks to Myfanwy Thomas for whom her father. EDWARD THOMAS , wrote several well-known poems. Producer BRIAN PATTEN BBC Bristol
includes a preview of A Matter of Choice for
Billy, tomorrow night's play on BBC1 by award-winning plavwright Graham Reid , with James Ellis and Kenneth Branagh ; and visits the new gallery of Islamic Art in the Ashmolean Museum. Oxford, dedicated to
Gerald Reitlinger , whose collection of over 700 works was donated to the University of Oxford.
Presenter Paul Vaughan Producer PHILIP JORDAN Editor ROSEMARY HART
with Simon Winchester Editor KEN GOUDIE
Presenter Peter Evans
by PENELOPE MORTIMER abridged in 12 episodes by DOREEN MAHON Bead by CAROLE HAYMAN
Producer MAURICE LEITCH long wave only
long wave only
long wave only
Weather report: forecast long wave only followed by an interlude