S.25 Shipping forecast long wave only
Presenters Libby Purves and Paul Burden
News from the Democratic Convention in New York
6.45* Prayer for the Day With ROBERT RIETTY
7.0. 8.0 Today's News
Read by PETER DONALDSON 7-30, 8.30 News headlines
7.45* Thought for the Day Peter Brookes 's View: p 62
2: Vorticism
All the World's a Stage!
For those who want to make an entrance, amateur or professional, join a rep, learn lines, judge laughs, cope with nerves, or start a drama group, take a cue from
Peter Barkworth , actor and author of About Acting and Margaret Ford , actress and amateur stage director
Prompter Teresa McGonagl * Staged by the Woman's Hour Unit
Lines open from 8.0 am
Peter Barkworth 's Preview: page 15
What's new in medical science? How well are the doctors looking after us? Is our money being spent to best effect?
Geoff Watts reports
nem, p 54; Come gracious Spirit (BBC HB 150); Psalm 126; Mark 2, v 23 to 3. v 6 (RSV); Love of the Father (BBC HB 522)
10: Greenmantle
The Bad Samaritan by DEBORAH FREEMAN with Linda Gardner as Ruth Ruth is a doctor's wife. She rarely sees her husband and her child ties her to the house, yet she knows there is some role for her to play beyond that of wife and mother. Her search for that role, however, forces her to face a painful truth.
Directed by KAY PATRICK BBC Manchester
Why do house-flies follow tightly angled and repetitive routes beneath the central light in our ceilingt It seems such a pointless activity!
The team sheds light on your wildlife problems. Introduced by Derek Jones
Producer BRIAN LEITH BBC Bristol
(Repeated: Sat 2.5 pm)
Questions to: Wildlife, BBC, Bristol BS8 2LR
Presenter Bill Breckon
Brian Johnston in Oban
12.55 Weather; programme news: long wave only
Presenter Brian Widlake
1.55 Shipping forecast long wave only
with Sue
MacGregor Dolphin on a Stretcher: RON ALLDRIDGE has been finding out about the problems involved in helping whales, dolphins or porpoises who become stranded on beaches and estuaries.
Talking Point: opinions and ideas.
An Irish Peaceworker: MARGARET PERCY talks tO SAIDIE PATTERSON , pioneer Belfast Trade Unionist and champion of human rights.
A Portrait of Jane Austen (7)
Story: Wriggly Worm and the Secret Garden by EUGENIE SUMMERFIELD
5: The Kindly Ones (1)
"It seems to me that I have been like a shuttlecock bandied to and fro by lunatics..."
Arthur Ransome (born 1884, died 1967) is best remembered as the author of Swallows and Amazons and other children's stories. But he did not begin these books until he was middle-aged. His earlier life was both exotic and dramatic as a struggling writer in Edwardian London and as a newspaper correspondent in Russia during the Revolution. He was a friend of Lenin and his second wife was Trotsky's secretary.
The programme is based on Ransome's autobiography and on recollections from friends and acquaintances.
Among those taking part: Sir Rupert Hart-Davis, Tabitha Lewis, Georgina Battiscombe, H. Montgomery Hyde and Pamela Whitlock
With Joss Ackland as Arthur Ransome
BBC Birmingham
('Missee Lee' starts on Thursday at 10.45 am)
Preview: page 15
4.40 Announcements
A Dill Pickle by KATHERINE MANSFIELD Read by Mary Wimbush
5.50 Shipping forecast long wave only
5.55 Weather; programme news
including Financial Report
Thirteen programmes
Written by ROBERT BARR with Ray Brooks
Detective-Sergeant Brook DeChristopher Blaketective-Constable Maxton and Maurice ColbourneDetective Chief Inspector
12: The Pin-Up Murder (1)
(Repeated: Wed 1.40 pm)
If Wet, in the Marquee
Farmers, industrialists and organisers of local events all need advance information about the weather. How accurately can it be forecast and can man by fair means. or foul control it?
Stephen Beard has been finding out. / Producer JIM BLACK
Fri 11.5 am) d
Ten talks by Ray Gosling 7: The Bottomless Basket
Henry Kissinger said we are bottomless basket ", so many Bengalis told me that, with broad grins. " Kissinger say if you give to Bangladesh - it just vanish."
' In the villages now you have to jump in the ditch to avoid the UN. Dutch Aid, WHO, British Technical Co-operation cars, speeding long jump over the pot holes, trim curtains to their back windows. I wondered what it was like away from the road. The villages are so close together.
' It was easy to walk - over the paddy fields, in the Chittagong District, not so far from Cox's Bazaar. The sun shone.'
A portrait of the Shetland island of Papa Stour.
The beginning of eternity, The end of time and space,
The beginning of every end, And the end of every race.
This is a rhyming 'guddock' or riddle, from Papa Stour, a small island off the west side of the mainland of Shetland. Today its population is declining, but for centuries it supported a flourishing and distinctive culture based on its Norwegian and Scottish roots.
George Peterson tells the stories and plays the fiddle tunes of the island.
(First broadcast on Radio Scotland)
Six programmes
2: Business or Charity?
Reports on two very different enterprises - A TOUCH OF GLASS (makers of Tiffany glass lampshades) and GOODWILL. GLASGOW (furniture refurbishers). They have very different rationales for trying to create jobs - can they both work?
Presenter Colin Ball
Presenter Richard Cork Producer ANNE WINDER
Douglas Stuart reporting
5: Before the Indus Civilisation
In Patagonia (2)
Chopin Waltz in t minor (Op posth)
Mozart Sonata No 11, In A (K 331) de Sgverac Musical Box gramophone records long wave only
Weather report: forecast long wave only followed by an interlude