News, weather, papers, sport
Presented from the South East by BRYAN PLATT
A regional view of farming in the week ahead.
What Britain is getting up to. Two hours of news and views from home and around the world.
Introduced by Brian Redhead and Mike Vestey including at
7.8. 8.0 Today's News Read by JOHN MARSH
7.30, 8.3* News headline*
Dr Rob Buckman , Mavis Nicholson and Kenneth Robinson , together with their guests in the studio, provide the incentive to face Monday morning once again as they discuss some of the forthcoming week's topical issues, interview some of the personalities who will be making the news. and try to keep their tongues firmly in their cheeks at least half the time. Producer FRANCES DONNELLY
' One of our garden starlings has an extra-long curved beak. It looks very odd: What causes this and would his offspring inherit the deformity? '
The team answers mort your questions.
Introduced by Derek Jones Producer JOHN Harrison BBC Bristol
Questions to: Wildlife, BBC, Bristol BS8 2LR
nem, p 42; 0 brother man. fold to thy heart thy brother! (BBC HB 376); Psalm 84; Luke 10, vv 16-24 (NEB); God the Father's only Son (BBC HB 303)
Phobia by NELL ARCH
Read by Shirley Dixon
'The snake was not very large, but smooth and black and shiny, with malevolent jewel eyes fixed on her approach and pointed head raised to strike.'
Producer mitch RAPER
Introduced by Wynford Vaughan Thomas
(Full details; Thursday 7.45)
11.50 Announcements
Presenters Sue Cook and George Luce
Chairman Robert Robinson Semifinal (1)
25: London and Home Counties JEROME STONBOROUGH (London), probation officer; BERNARD MC-GINLEY (London), local government officer: ARTHUR DOUCH (Kent), schoolmaster; CHRISTOPHER COOKE i Buckinghamshire), bank official
Programme devised by JOHN P. WYNN , Who, with UN GILLIES, set the questions Producer (;RIFF RHYS JONES
(Repeated: Thursday 6.30 pm)
12.55 medium only
Weather and programme news
Presented by Robert Williams
Introduced by Sue MacGregor Talk Till Two.
2.0-2.2 News
Mike Sheils in America with the Sioux Indians in Dakota.
Love Him, Love His Job: PENNY PECORELLI is a work widow.
Help, Guidance, Tuition: . JANF HORNE talks to JUNE ROSE auout teaching children in hospital. The Rector's Daughter (5)
Story: Football Cat by ZOE BAILEY
A Flight of Steps by ROBERT NICHOLSON
The Old Wives' Tale by Arnold Bennett abridged for radio in 15 parts by Neville Teller
The classic novel of middle-class life in the Five Towns of Staffordshire.
BBC Bristol
Presented hy Robert Williams
Hubert Gregs browses through the archive catalogue and chooses the recordings he would most like to own.
5.55 medium only
Weather and programme news
with and When one of Jack's workmates is suspended for persistent absenteeism. Jack is pressurised by the factory shop steward to do anything to get brother Leslie - as Personnel Manager - to change his mind. And anything means crawling. with Elizabeth Morgan and Denis Bond 4: The Strike with guest appearances by Reginald Marsh as the Managing Director and George A. Cooper as the shop steward
Written by HAROLD SNOAD and MICHAEL KNOWLES Producer JOHN DYAS iRptd: Wednesday 12.27 pm)
(Repeated: Tuesday 1.30 pm)
BBC Correspondents throughout the world talk about the countries they work in. Producer PADDY o'keeffe
Lear Jones by WILLIAM ingram Meredith Jones is an old man with three daughters who live their lives in different ways. Can they solve the differences or are the wounds too deep for all three? Its his 70th birthday, and time is short!
Directed by GERRY JONES
(Repeated: Sunday 2.30 pm)
Once again John Ebdon reveals some not immediately obvious aspects of Greece both Ancient and Modern.
(Repeated: Thursday 11.45 am)
Kaleidoscope at Bayreuth
Michael Oliver goes to the world-famous Wagner festival held in the Opera House, built by the composer himself, in the small town in Bavaria. He talks to the festival's director. Wolfgang Wagner , about the problems of mounting yearly performances of Parsifal and The Ring, and to Colin Davis , the first Englishman to conduct there. He also explores the museum, Wagner's own house, Wahnfried. and goes behind the scenes in the extraordinary Festspiethaus, a temporary wooden structure that stood for over 100 years on the fair hill by Bayreuth. Producer CHRIS swann
John Tusa reporting
The revolt against the Roman invasion of Britain, led by this historical character - known incorrectly as Queen Boadiceais examined by Brian Gear. Series producer ROY HAYWARD BBC Bristol
(Rev repeat: Tuesday 11.35am)
Journey Through a Small Planet by EMANUEL LITVINOFF , abridged for radio in 10 parts by KEITH DARVILL
An account of a childhood in Whitechapel prior to the Second World War - it recalls a world of grim, physical realities which are nevertheless remembered with a wealth of humour and exuberance. Reader David Swift 11)
Weather report and forecast followed by an interlude