Presented from the South West by DAVID BUTLER
6.40 Prayer for the Day REV JOHN JACKSON
Introduced by John Timpson and Desmond Lynam
Including at 6.50 and 7.50 VHF Regional news and weather; at 6 55 and 7.55 Weather and programme news At 7.0 and 8.0 News and more of Today with Sports-desk at 7.27 and 8.27; Today's Papers at 7.35* and 8.35* and Thought for the Day 7.45-7.50 Editor ALASTAIR OSBORNE
English Regions: see column 5
A 'colonial' autobiography by Harry Franklin: abridged in ten parts by Carmel Ross Read by Nigel Stock
In 1928 Harry Franklin joined the tradition of patriotic Englishmen who had aimed to educate the savage: he went to Northern Rhodesia as a schools inspector. He stayed to become an administrator, teacher, amateur doctor, magistrate and broadcaster in a longer and more exciting adventure than he expected.
Producer Michael Heffernan (Northern Ireland)
aided by David Jessel , Sheridan Morley , Mavis Nicholson , Lance Percival , Esther Rantzen -, Kenneth Robinson and Fritz Spiegl.
Enjoy a mixture of argument, humour and music
Bullfinches hover like humming birds while feeding on honeysuckle berries in my garden. What other small birds can hoverr
The team tackles another selection of your wildlife questions. Introduced by DEREK JONES Producer JOHN HARRISON
Series producer DILYS BREESE
NEM, p 67; The Son of God his glory hides (BBC HB 68); Psalm 146; Revelation 12, vv 7-12 (av); Ye holy angels bright (BBC HB 286)
Turn Round and Knock written and read by Brian Hayes
There's a theatrical superstition about whistling in the dressing-room. I had forgotten it but now I seized upon it as a way out of embarrassment....
(Brian Hayes is in ' The Case in Question ' at the Haymarket Theatre, London)
11.50 Announcements
Presenter Nancy Wise The World of Work
Where does the unemployment shoe pinch - and how hard?
MARGARET KORVING finds OUt and talks about some solutions. With other items and your letters in What's On Your Mind? Editor DENNIS LOWER
Roy Plomley's castaway is politician Lord Carrington. Show more
Lord Carrington with Roy Plomley
12.55 Weather, programme news
VHF Regional news and weather
and voices and topics in and behind the headlines introduced by Gordon Clough
from 2.0
Introduced by Sue MacGregor Talk till Two
2.0-2.2 News
Play It Again - At 78! : DAVID RIDER puts a coin or two in some old American Juke Boxes. A Warning to Fat Men: DR ALAN HOWARD sums up recent research into obesity.
How to Make a Fish Pond:
Washington Square by HENRY JAMES (10) Editor WYN KNOWLES
Story: The Different Wash-Day by PEGGY BRIDGES
Listen with Mother Stories: £2.00 from bookshops
Salt is Leaving
by Jennifer Johnston abridged for radio in five parts by Sam Hanna Bell
Read by Kate Binchy
The ornamental gates of the Major's old house in Ireland have lain unused for years, a reminder of old and better times, and one thing he would never sell. But when his young niece Minnie arrives from London to stay, she is not content to live in the past. 1: Minnie's Arrival
Producer Bill Morrison (Northern Ireland)
The news magazine: presented by Gordon Clough
5.50 Financial Report
VHF Regional news and weather
5.55 Weather, programme news
A panel game for four hands Leader of the pack and Chairman is David Nixon who deals to June
Whitfield Patrick Moore , William Rushton Devised and shuffled by IAN MESSITER
Produced and cut by RICHARD WILLCOX
John Tidmarsh
Frank Muir and Alfred Marks investigate the humour of the subject. and the voices of MICHAEL BENTINE. PETER SELLERS BENNY HILL , STAN FREBERG and the MONTY PYTHON TEAM Producers SIMON BRETT and JOHN DAVIS
Scenes from an Album A play for radio by WILLIAM TREVOR with John Rowe , Sheila Grant Elizabeth Proud , Gudrun Ure
' In this small corner of this second island Catholics and Orangemen hate one another. This family, in different ways in different generations, has endeavoured to make a nonsense of their hatred.We stand between the two, an English kind of family, with English voices, alien though well-intentioned.'
Ireland: 1610.1975
Twin Sisters:
A nightly review of books, films, plays, broadcasting, music and exhibitions. Presenter Peter France Producer SARAH DUNANT Editor ROSEMARY HART
Douglas Stuart reporting with John Tnsa at the Labour Party Conference in Blackpool Editor DEREK LEWIS
Thunder on Sunday by KAREN CAMPBELL
Read by JOHN GRAHAM (11)
Presenter Jane Finnis
The first of four programmes in which experts discuss the relationship between people and their pets.
"They Understand Every Word"
In this programme Stanley Dangerfield, writer and broadcaster on pets, Dr Richard Ryder, clinical psychologist, and Henry Carter, veterinary surgeon, examine whether pets do have their own emotions and whether they can appreciate the emotions of their owners.
Producer Leslie Robinson
(Tomorrow: A Vet's Eye-View)
preceded by Weather