Market prices and intelligence, the weather and what's new for farmers. Producers ROBIN HICKS and GARTH COOPER
Outlook: reflecting matters of Christian interest and concern VHF Regional news and weather
6.55 Weather, programme news
A weekly review of the agricultural scene
Producer ANTHONY PARKIN ( Birmingham)
7.40 Today's Papers
7.45 Outlook
Barry Norman introduces Radio 4's 70-minute world-wide look at the weekend: including at
7.50 medium wave Keep Fit for All the Family with EILEEN FOWLER , or VHF Regional news and weather; at 7.55 Weather and programme news
At 8.0
News and more of Today with Sports-desk at 8.30*; Papers at 8.40*
9.5 From Our Own Correspondent
9.30 Talking Politics
Not all the key decisions which affect our daily lives are taken by politicians. Much of the power in this country is in the hands of non-politicians.
ANTHONY KING talks to five such men about their jobs, their relationship with the government and the public, and the power they wield.
5: Rt Hon Richard Marsh , Chairman of British Rail
(Postponed from 30 August)
10.0 News
10.2 The Weekly World
HONOR BALFOUR reviews what the weeklies have to say: illustrations read by PAULINE BUSHNELL Narrator COLIN DORAN Producers TOM READ
New Every Morning, page 50; 0 King enthroned on high (BBC HB 158); Psalm 89; Mark 8. v 34 to 9, v I (NEB); Come, my soul (BBC HB 404)
Presented by Brian J. Ford Producer DAVID PATERSON
Weather and programme news VHF Regional news and weather
A spontaneous discussion by Baroness Phillips
Rt Hon Richard Marsh Ludovic Kennedy
Rt Hon William Whitelaw , MP from County Durham
Dame Margot Fonteyn as Radio 3
medium ware only
medium ivave only
John Dunn introduces the final edition of the Saturday show for young listeners. Rex Radio by ALEXANDER GUYAN with and Producer
4.5* Dial a Scientist
Is 4th Dimension entering a time-warp, disappearing into a black hole, beaming to another planet or meeting a 4th anti-Dimension?
Chairman Paddy Feeny may get suggestions from the panel - Professor John Tavlor , Professor Eric Laithwaite and Professor John Napier.
But this time science just might not come up with the answer! Producer MICHAEL BRIGHT
4.301 Jennings at School
The last of a series of six plays by ANTHONY BUCKERIDGE
6: Jennings and the Unique Antique
Nicholas Woolley with PAf s reporting team Editor ANDREW BOYLE
Weather and programme news VHF Regional news and weather
Conversational entertainment by Dennis Barker , Dr Edward de Bono , Benny Green. Ann Leslie and who knows who else. Musical interludes by INSTANT SUNSHINE
Lord Carrington chooses the records he would take to a desert island and discusses them with Roy Plomey, who devised the programme.
Records introduced by Richard Baker
(Shortened edit: Thurs 9.5 am)
Salt is Leaving by J. B. PRIESTLEY dramatised for radio by ELIZABETH BRADBURY with Dr Salt is determined to leave Birkden, but when a patient of his suffering from chronic nephritis suddenly disappears and the police seem unconcerned, he becomes equally determined to find her. His persistence soon makes him some very powerful enemies.
Brian Redhead introduces the first programme in this 11th series of late evening conversations.
His guests tonight are Rt Hon Sir Geoffrey Howe MP, Professor John Vaizey, John Mackintosh MP
Producer Michael Green
The Former Pupils' Choir of Our Lady's High School, Motherwell, conducted by HUGH MCALINDEN , is joined by FR WILLIAM ANDERSON
preceded by Weather