6.27 Farming Today
6.45 Prayer for the Day
6.50-7.9 Regional news,weather and programme news
The world this morning: Britain at breakfast-time and the news from anvwhere on earth introduced by Jack deMante and John Timpsen
7.40 Today's Papers
7.45 Thought for the Day
7.50-8.0 Regional news,weather and programme news
(including, in the Midlands and E Anglia. Regional Extra, and Today in the South and West introduced bvDEREK JONES) VHr East Anglia: see betou;
S.4e Today's Papers
Contributed by the BBC's Foreign News staff .
(Saturdaysbroadcast: revised)
An old boy of Sexey's School, Bruton, in Somerset, presents, with Robin Phillips, some of his favourite poetry and prose to an invited audience in the school hall. The readings include Shakespeare and satire, cricket and Dickens
(from Bristol)
NEM p 26; We sing the praise (BBCH«95):Psa)m31:Acts 12,vvll'24:Itisathtngmost wonderfut (BBC HB 81)
Sidney Harrisen introduces some easily remembered music BBC M;DLANB DGHT ORCHESTRA conducted by TERENCE LOVETT GARETHMORR!S(SUte) wtLfRfD PARRY (piano)
2- Watch the Cars Go By by CHARLES HERRING
They've got my Photograph up in Motorists' HQ. you know.
Derek Webster , age 32, height
Bve feet nine inches, hair dark. eyes btue. complexion paie with fear. Attack on sight_
And all the licensed-to-kill 007s on the road are after me.
They're not satisfied with driving me round the bend. They want me dead.' produced by HARRY CATUN
Joan Yerjke presents the Radio 4 series that tackles topics of direct concern to you.
Today Yo"'' Home and Family
Manners 71: forma) courtesy has gone, but what has replaced it? What are eood manners today and what is their basis? A report by MM Other topical items too. and What's On Your Mind?
VHF South West; see cot-!
From the television series based on the characters created by A.J. CRONIN with
This week: Dead Fall written by John Wiles and adapted by Pat Dunlop
Broadcast by arrangement with Graham Stewart
Produced by Peter Titheradge (Repeated: Thursday, 6.15 pm)
12.55 Weather, information and news for your area
and voices and topics in and behind theheadtines introduced by WtUiam HardcasUe
Story: Scruffy Sam the Tuoboot byMARYWALKER
BBC Northern Ireland Orchestra, leader Maurice Cavanagh
Conductor Kenneth Alwyn
and Mary Thomas (soprano) Wilfrid Parry (piano)
A novel-sequence (1914-1968) arranged for radio in 29 parts
Winter 1942. Lewis Eliot's relationship with Margaret Davidson reaches an impasse. George Passant joins him in Whitehall. At Barford the atomic pile is ready to be tested.
The novel by Gavin Lyall adapted as an eight-part serial by Betty Davies
with Edward Woodward and Toby Robins
Bert Kemp knew that when he did business with Faggioni he was risking his money. He didn't know he was risking his life...
(Saturday's broadcast)
Members of the Horticultural Section of the Vauxhall Motors Recreation Club, Luton. put their questions to: Fred Loads, Bill Sowerbutts and Alan Gemmell
Question-master Franklin Englemann
A series of short stories by Arnold Bennett adapted by Barry Campbell
Jos Curtenly, Deputy Mayor of Bursley, prompted by civic pride and a desire to live up to his reputation as a card, tries to manufacture an unparalleled farce, a topic for years.'
Reader Arthur Pentelow
The news magazine that sums up your day-and starts oS your evening. Presented by William Hardcastte andSteveRace
5.50-6.)) Regional news. weather andprogrammenews
'You don't need a holiday, Grandad. Just sit you in the Rose and Crown with a pint, play a record of some seagulls and wave a kipper under your nose, and you'd think you were on a weekend in Fleetwood.'
[Starring] Jimmy Clitheroe
With Peter Sinclair, Patricia Burke, Danny Ross and Diana Day
Gerald Prtestland presenting world news and views With MERYL O'KEEFFE
Ring Robin Day to put your question in person to
Rt Hon Richard Cressman, Mp, Editor of the New Statesman in which the Queen s request for more pay was described as ' truly regal cheek '
Charles Curran. Mp, who says of the Monarchy: ' In terms of cost-effectiveness. it must be the greatest bargain in our history since the first Queen Elizabeth financed Drake's Golden Hind'
Andrew Duncan. whose recent book The Reality of Monarchy takes a cool, analytical look at that Institution and contains a wealth of figures on the finances of the Royal Household
To promote a maximum number of questions, Call[number removed](12 lines) will take them from 6.30pm onward, as well as while the programme is on the air.
Produced by WALTER WtLUCH
(Shortened version: Wednesday.
Compiled and written by Anthony Wilkinson
"I thank you with all my soul and to an eternity for causing me to write Tristan" - Richard Wagner to Mathilde Wesendonk.
Perhaps in no artist, certainly in no composer, can there have been so intimate a connection between his work and his love affairs as there was in Wagner. Mathilde Wesendonk, of all the many muses in his life, inspired him above all others. Years later he wrote: "She is and remains my only love... it was the sonnet of my life". Narrated by Richard Bebb
(Next week: "The Orange Sunrise", Wagner's love affair with Cosima von Bulow)
Lieut-General Sir Harry Tuzo, coc Northern Ireland, and men under his command describe their life and work in the Six Counties.
You hear the candid comments of soldiers and members of the Northern Ireland public about each other.
9.59 Weather
Douglas Stuart reporting, with voices and opinions from around the world
Bhou'nnt Juncfton by JOHN MASTERS
All the day's news preceded by Weather
11.31 Market Trends