Market trends, news, weather
Tuesday's "Ten to Eight"
and Programme News
Radio's breakfast-time magazine
Introduced by BRIAN JOHNSTON
Wishes for a Godchild from PAUL BIRD
Vice-Principal of the Central School of Art and Design
and Programme News
Revised second edition
The weekly series reflecting wildlife and its position in today's ever-changing world Presented by DEREK JONES
Assistant Editor,
Birmingham Evening Mail
' The other side of the park ' is on the edge of one of the great immigrant areas of Birmingham. For many English people it is inhabited by a set of shadowy but stereotyped people known as Jamaicans, Pakistanis, and Indians.
The story of Nor'wester, with music from La Ulle mat gardée by Hérold-Lanchbery: 'The Magic Gloves'
Repeated: Friday, 9.55 a.m.
New Every Morning, page 64
0 greatly blessed the people are
(BBC H.B. 469)
Psalm 119, part 2
Luke 19, v. 41. to 20, v. 8 (N.E.B.) Christian, unflinching stand (BBC
H.B. 350)
Written by Rhoda Power
Intermediate French series
A variety of music from pavilion to parade-ground Introduced by PAUL MARTIN
Produced by Madeau Stewart
Broadcast in the BBC World Service
Unit III: Bread: Corn in Egypt
Written by Jo Manton
Revision for end of term performance of Three O'Clock Grandad
Songs: At school
A clock of distinction
Written and produced by William Murphy
10: The motor car in Britain
The problems and pleasures of road transport in Britain today.
THOMAS MURRAY , on holiday in the Netherlands, came on the track of a Jacobite hero of his boyhood
† FRANKLIN ENGELMANN recently visited
Connah's Quay, Flintshire
Sunday's broadcast
and Programme News
The News and Voices and Topics in and behind the headlines
Tuesday evening's broadcast
for children under five
Story: ' Remember' by Ivy Russell
3: Fish in the Philippines
Farmers who grow fish and rice in the same Held.
Script by Lyndall Birch
Exploration Earth series
by John Whiting , adapted for radio by Sam Langdon : part 2
Produced by Elizabeth Ornbo
Books, Plays. Poems series
Before .dawn birds sing; no one really knows why.
Nature series
There's No Escape by Gerard Stuart with Patrick Barr , Olga Lindo Norman Claridge , Fraser Kerr Ex-convict Artie Rickets is the likely suspect for the safe-cracking at the factory in which he is night-watchman; but Rickets cannot be found, and when he is the police find that their job has only just begun.
Cast in order of speaking:
Broadcast on Aug. 26. 1964 (Light)
from the Parish Church of St. James, Belfast
Within the Octave of the Feast of St. Patrick
Patron Saint of Ireland sung by the choir of ST. ANNE'S CATHEDRAL
Introit: 0 most merciful (Wood) Responses (Tomkins)
Psalms: 98, 99, 100, 101 (Harty in A; Harry Grindle in F and C; Nicholson in G)
Canticles (Wood in D)
Lessons: Exodus 28, vv. 1-4, 29-38;
1 Timothy 3, vv. 1-13 (N.E.B.)
Anthem: Hail gladdening light
Hymn (I.C.H. 326): I bind unto myself today (St. Patrick)
Voluntary: 'Giant' fugue in D minor (Prelude on Wir glauben all' an einen Gott, Schopfert (S.680) (Back)
Director of Music, HARRY GRINDLE
Organist, Norman Walker
Introduced by KEN SYKORA and including:
Vic Feather: JOHN ELLISON continues his conversation with the man who has risen from being a flour-boy in the Co-op to high office in the T.U.C.
The Pan Players: SIDNEY HARRISON recalls a trip to Trinidad where he adjudicated at the Steel Band Championships
The Children's Newspaper: BRIAN DOYLE pays a tribute to Arthur Mee who started this publication fifty years ago
Dear departed smells: VERA DAY indulges a sniff of sentimentality over old lost homes
The House of the Seven Flies by Victor Canning adapted in five parts by HOWARD JONES
5: Through a thinning mist
' When you steal something it's easier not to know anything about the owner.'
Produced by ROGER PINE
and Programme News
Tonight's evening paper of the air
Reports from the region's news studios and Scotland Yard-Sportsdesk-Stop Press
Introduced by Douglas CAMERON
See panel and page 49 followed by an interlude
From the de Montfort Hall , Leicester
Victoria Postnikova (piano) BBC Symphony Orchestra Leader, Hugh Bean Conducted by Gennadi Rozhdestvensky
Part 1: Tchaikovsky Piano Concerto No. 1 in B flat minor
† FREDERICK ALDERSON describes an eventful coach trip to Kashmir
Part 2: Shostakovich
Symphony No. 8
A glance at
Dorothy Wordsworth by WENDY MONK
Produced by Elwyn Evans
The News
Background to the News People in the News
Four Lent talks by THE REV. DAVID L. EDWARDS
Dean of King's College, Cambridge
3: Christ in an age of criticism
Middlemarch by GEORGE ELIOT
Part 2: The Widow and the Wife
Eighth of fifteen instalments