Market trends news, weather
Cyril Fletcher's wishes for a Godchild.
and Programme News
Radio's breakfast-time magazine
Introduced by BRIAN JOHNSTON
The Story of a Life
William Barclay 's new translation of the Gospels
Mark 14. vv. 55. 57-61a; Mark 15. v. 1; Matthew 27. vv. 3-5; Luke 23. vv. 1-3: John 19, W. 1-2, 5-7. 10-11; Mark 15. v. 21
and Programme News
Revised second edition
Tuesday's broadcast
A series in search of devotional music throughout the world
From the BBC Sound Archives
by ROBERT C. WALTON Is the Bible Truef
2: The facts and what they mean
Produced by David Lyttle
f Tuesday's broadcast
New Every Morning, page 90
Christian, seek not yet repose
(BBC H.B. 340)
Psalm 95
Luke 21, v. 29 to 22, v. 6 (N.E.B.) Jesu, priceless treasure (BBC H.B.
PROFESSOR W. S. BULLOUGH talks to boys and girls who have been listening to the series
Reproduction and Growth series
A concert of music heard during the term
Sung by the ALUN MOLD CHOIR directed by BRIAN HUGHES
Introduced and produced by William Murphy
Introduced by JOHN CAMBURN
Farewell Concert in Mr. Wazdir's Cave
Written and produced by Douglas Coombes
A new series about the nature of man and his culture
10: The Feastby Margery Morris
A visit to the three dock systems in the port-the City Docks. Avonmouth, and Portishead.
Geography series
Introduced by JOAN YORKE
I have a lovely three-monih-old baby, but why do I feel so depressed and unable to copef
I sometimes get palpitations-is this a danger signal
Can a person live a normal life with only one kidney
What advice can you give a housewife who is afraid of going out alone f
Some of the questions sent In by listeners which doctors will answer
Produced by Thena Heshel
In the chair, ANONA WINN
Tuesday's broadcast
Be Reasonable.', a male reply: Saturday, 7.0; Tuesday, 12 noon
and Programme News'
The News and Voices and Topics in and behind the headlines
Wednesday evening's broadcast
Story: ' 'Little Grey Donkey finds a New Friend ' by Berenice Bobbins
to the Living Language series
Let's Hear it Again
A second hearing of favourite poems
A concert of music heard during the term
Your World
Written by Barry Carman
In March 1934 Peggy Hookham joined her first class at the Sadler's Wells School
DEREK PARKER discusses the career of the most famous ballerina in Britain today with ARNOLD HASKELL
Produced by Denys Gueroult
Broadcast in the BBC World Service
See page 45
Belle Maman by John Tarrant
' Caravans have been stolen many times before, but never in my experience with the owners inside.'
Wednesday's broadcast (Radio 2)
FRANCES MÔN JONES introduces music of the mountains and the sea from all over the world
Introduced by POLLY ELWES and including:
They're off!: SONYA CALLINGHAM visits a racing stable in Hampshire to meet Highland Wedding, a runner in Saturday's Grand National
The peek-a-boo girl: Peter Davalle meets VERONICA LAKE
'You must have noticed': EDDIE WARING takes a sideways look at this week's events
Five in one: as a young reporter GALE PEDRICK was everything from Siegfried the music critic to Romany the hiker, and he dressed for the part Your letters
The Bells of Blandon
A Victorian mystery by Aubrey Feist in eight parts with Ronald Lewis as Major Dighton Guest
Andree Melly as Lorely Tresco
2: Ancient History
Major Guest, visiting the Cathedral city of Blandon, has been reunited with his fiancée, the vivacious Lorely Tresco. He has met her guardian Canon Garfield and other residents, and discovered that amid the cloisters disturbing influences are at work and deep-seated fears are being concealed.
Canon Garfield.......... JOHN WYSE Arthur Pringle ......... PHILIP GROUT Becky........................PAULINE LETTS
Produced by DAVID GEARY
and Programme News
Tonight's evening paper. of the air
Reports from the region's news studios and Scotland Yard— Sportsdesk-Stop Press Introduced by Tim GUDGIN
by Henry Cecil
in thirteen cases from his London County Court - Fact or Fiction?
with guest stars: , the 'log-and-dog man': 'Commit perjury for fifty nicker? Well - I've often told lies for nothing. But not here. Not in court. That's different. May my grandmother's soul rot in hell if I tell a lie here.'
John Westbrook as Mr. Faulkner, Counsel for Mr. Riley: 'All we say is that whether or not Mr. Morris had a watch on him when Mr. Riley struck him, it was not this watch here that was damaged.'
So one of the parties was committing perjury.
Produced by H. B. FORTUIN
Broadest on Dec. 31, 1667 (Radio 2)
on mil inausiriai Striye nuin us :
What can we do about the endless strikes in practically every industry in Britain? Can labour contracts be enforced? Must the ' freedom to strike' always be one of the main planks of union policy? Must we have strikes with everything or is there any chance of future industrial enlightenment which could move us towards prosperity?
Produced by Alan Burgess
BBC Northern Symphony Orchestra
Leader, Reginald Stead Conducted by Roland Leduc
OLEG KERENSKY introduces
JANET ADAM SMITH. JULIAN JEBB , and MICHAEL BALDWIN who discuss The Urgent West by Walter Allen , Graham Greene : Collected Essays, and two new novels, The Remains of a Father by Michael Ramsbotham and The Tunnel by Maureen Lawrence
WILFRED SHEED is interviewed about his short novel, and long story. The Blacking Factory and Pennsylvania Gothic
Produced by Patricia Brent
The News
Background to the News
People in the News followed by LISTENING POST
WALTER TAPLIN introduces letters from today's postbag
Middlemarch by GEORGE ELIOT
Part 2: The Widow and the Wife
Fourteenth of fifteen instalments
Listen on Radio 4's special late-night hook-up to the declarations of today's three trend-setting by-elections at Brighton Pavilion, Walthamstow East, and Weston-super-Mare
The BBC's Political Correspondent, Hardiman Scott , takes the chair and is joined in the studio by ANTHONY KING , political analyst. and MICHAEL SHIELDS of National Opinion Polls
A Ten O'clock presentation
Forecast for coastal waters at 11.45*