Market trends, news, weather
(Tuesday's "Ten to Eight")
and Programme News
Radio's breakfast-time magazine
Introduced by JACK DE MANIO
Holy Places: Lourdes through the eyes of disabled pilgrims
and Programme News
Revised second edition
A weekly magazine series about animals and the countryside
Sunday's broadcast
1968 has been celebrated throughout the world as the twentieth anniversary year of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Two special broadcasts for schools examine the ideals that inspired the Declaration. and the realities that conflict with those ideals in ,he world and in Britain today.
2: In small places, close to home
Compiled by Barry Carman
Produced by John Kerry
Music selected and arranged by Vera Gray
Repeated: Friday, 9.55 a.m.
New Every Morning, page 29
Good Christian men (BBC H.B. 103) Canticle 8
Matthew 13. vv. 34-43
Come. ye thankful people, come
(BBC H.B. 439)
Written by Paule-Aline Dent
Intermediate French series
A weekly get-together for some traditional country dancing
Introduced by PAUL PLUMB
Broadcast in the BBC World Service
To follow certain broadcasts described as ' a radiovision programme ' it is necessary to have the accompanying film strip.
Human Biology
3: The Starving Millions
Written by Brian Gear
What is to become of poor Don Carlos ?
Songs: The Troubadour
Cavalry mouse
Written and produced by William Murphy
3: The Depression
A programme on the causes and effects of mass unemployment between the two world wars.
Compiled by Maurice Whitbread
DR. J. J. TOBIAS is a lecturer in the Police College at Bramshill. He talks, adducing evidence for his belief, about a criminal who may or may not have been the original of Fagin.
Produced by Patrick Harvey
FRANKLIN ENGELMANN recently visited
Kempston, Bedfordshire
Sunday's broadcast
and Programme News
The News and Voices and Topics in and behind the headlines
Tuesday evening's broadcast
Story: ' Great Granpi and the Runaway Hoops ' by Margaret Lamdin
3: Coatzacoalcos (Puerto, Mexico)
An expanding port on the east coast of Mexico.
Script by Geoffrey Sherlock based on material provided by John Rettie
Exploration Earth series
by C. S. FORESTER , adapted for radio by Alaric Cotter : part 3 Produced by David Lyttle
Books. Plays, Poems series
Written by Christine Dudley
Tony finds out that there is more to stick insects than meets the eye.
Nature series
Don'Get Caught, Freddie by Leslie Darbon with Cyril Shaps
Freddie Moore is a difficult boy and a problem to his headmaster. Kindly old Mr. Clark. who runs a sweetshop near the school, offers to give Freddie a part-time job. All goes well until a rumour is started ...
Produced by Peter Bryant
Broadcast on January 19, 1963
from Hereford Cathedral
Responses (Rose)
Psalms 47, 48. 49 (Smart, Marsh,
Lessons: 1 Maccabees 4, w. 36-61;
John 18, vv. 28-40
Canticles (Darke in F)
Anthem: Give me the wings of faith (Leighton)
Master of the Choristers, RICHARD LLOYD
Assistant, Robert Green
A family magazine introduced by KEN SYKORA and including:
Hearts and Flowers:
ARTHUR DULAY talks to Gordon Gow about his life as a pianist for silent films
' Citius, Altius, Fortius ': this month in Mexico athletes will once again try to live up to the Olympic motto Swifter, Higher, Stronger. GORDON SNELL looks at the history and development of the Games
Garden bottoms and all that:
NINA EPTON asks, ' Who believes in fairies now? '
A Breath of Fresh Air from the llkley Moor gamekeeper WALTER FLESHER
The Good Companions by J. B. Priestley arranged for broadcasting in thirteen parts by Neville Teller Reader, Wilfred Pickles
What a disaster that night was-the night Mr. Monte Mortimer came 10 see the show. Yet it is an ill wind that blows nobody any good. and Fate has one or two surprises in store ...
11: Two Bolts from the Blue
Produced by Trevor Hill
and Programme News
Tonight's evening paper of the air
Reports from the region's news studios and Scotland Yard-Sportsdesk-Stop Press
Introduced by Tim GUDGIN
Repeated: Thursday, 1.30 p.m.
Billy Russell: character actor, with Roy Plomley
(Monday's broadcast)
An encounter with prejudice by Charles Parker in which blind people speak of their experiences as a minority group in a sighted world, and welfare workers of the resources that world provides for the blind
Contemporary songs written and sung by EWAN MACCOLL, PEGGY SEEGER and FRANKIE ARMSTRONG
With Pam Bishop, FRED GRINROD and JOHN HARRIS and readings and songs from the folk lore and literature bearing upon blindness Music direction by PEGGY SEEGER
Edited by G. I. M Bailey
See page 40
Irving Berlin talks to HAROLD ROGERS about his life and music and introduces a few of the 1,000 songs he has written and composed Produced by DEREK MILLS
Broadcast on May 16
A new series in which well-known radio personalities invite the man or woman of their choice to a first meeting Edgar Lustgarten meets
Bobby Charlton
The News
Background to the News
People in the News followed by LISTENING POST
JOHN THOMPSON introduces letters from today's post bag
tThree reports by JUDITH
LISTOWEL on East European countries from which she has just returned 1: Bulgaria
Thursday: Hungary
Third of ten instalments
Prelude and Fugue No. 18, in G sharp minor ('48 ' Book 1)
Sonata in A minor, for solo flute
Prelude and Fugue No. 14, in F sharp minor (' 48 ' Book 1)
Prelude and Fugue No. 19, in A
('48' Book 1) played by ATARAH BEN-TOVIM (flute) THOMAS WESS (clavichord)