Young people are bearing the brunt of the recession, according to the charity Save the Children. Essex County Council has announced plans to carry out a review of its current speed management policy. Show more
We're at the Olympic Park this morning to look at how Essex is involved in the Paralympics.
With music and phone-in debate – call 01245 495050 (national rate).
Etholle George sits in with expert advice, celebrity guests and a slice of Essex life.
Ian Puckey with news, weather, travel and music, including the Album of the Week.
Sue brings you evening entertainment and great music. Call in on 0845 30 50 007.
Late night music with the mystery year and Fab 5. Call 0845 30 50 007.
BBC Essex joins BBC Radio 5 live.
Wally Webb brings you the very early breakfast show for the East of England.