Animation featuring two rival thumb wrestling teams. The perpetually ill Sick Vick takes on Miss Fitwell.
Jazz trumpeter Linley Hamilton talks about life as a musician and how that influences his weekly radio programme.
Nicky Campbell and the team examine the claims of a high street health test, and head for the sun to discover why people who paid for a dream home have been unable to move in. Show more
Key figures, including former US president Jimmy Carter, tell the inside story of Ayatollah Khomeini's rise to power. Show more
Featuring the spoof diet tip of losing pounds by banging your head against the wall, an ad offering spare underwear, and a vintage ad for deodorant offering 48-hour protection. Show more
Jimmy Carr presents a collection of the wildest commercials. Including a radical hair removal product and a mother who seduces her son's best friend to promote student bus passes. Show more