Animation featuring two rival thumb wrestling teams. Pei Pei the Purple Panda and Scoutmaster Scott battle for the Royal Porpoistani Crown.
A political review of the week presented by Andrew Neil and his resident helpers Michael Portillo and Diane Abbott.
News of the weather and conditions on the pistes of European and North American ski resorts.
Dick and James take delivery of a geodesic dome. Lauren looks into the eco-fashion industry. Sam and Mark from CBBC are the eco-test guests. Chris and Jay harvest rainwater. Show more
Urban spaces receive reverse makeovers. The team tackles a wild garden for a Birmingham family, who are keen for a wildlife-friendly formal space with vegetable patch. Show more
Rural affairs. John Craven heads to Cambridge University, Miriam O'Reilly looks at Britain's rat problem, and Juliet Morris searches for an ethical date for Valentine's Day. Show more