Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.
Tha Ailig air bhioran mu a cheann-bliadhna ach saoil an cuimhnich càch mu dhèidhinn? Ailig is excited as it’s his birthday, but will the others remember? Show more
Tha Posy is Pip a’ dèanamh suaip le dèideagan ach tha Posy ag atharrachadh a th’ inntinn. Pip and Posy are swapping toys, but Posy has a change of heart. Show more
Fox and Hare are throwing a costume party. But who is the mysterious guest in ghost costume? Show more
Tha Sophie agus a caraidean a’ bocadaich coltach ri cangarù agus each-aibhne. Sophie and her friends dance like a kangaroo and a hippopotamus. Show more
Tha fuaim taibhseil a’ tighinn à frids AH-AH ach dè tha ga adhbharachadh? There’s a ghostly noise coming from AH-AH’s fridge, but what’s causing it? Show more
Tha am piranha ag innse dhuinn mu dèidhinn fhèin is cò às a tha i. The piranha tells us about herself and where she hails from. Show more
Eilidh visits Rose and her beautiful greyhound dogs, Libby and Marvin. We learn how to look after dogs and find out about all the activities they get up to together. Show more
Shona Masson a’ leughadh Chan e Gnothaich Famh Beag a Bh’ ann. Shona Masson reads Chan e Gnothaich Famh Beag a Bh’ ann. Show more
Investigative guides revealing amazing facts about animals. This episode features Stewie the baby stoat, who is growing up in the Derbyshire countryside. Show more
An-diugh, gheibhear dealbh air beatha Babs NicGriogair @12 bliadhna dh'aois. Today we get an insight into Babs MacGregor’s life @12 years old. Show more
Tha Olaidh ann an suidheachadh steigeach is tha a’ chrùbag na churaidh mar ‘s àbhaist! Olaidh is in a sticky situation and Crùbag is a hero, as usual! Show more
Ronia is happy to see Biorach Beag but she refuses to return home. When the Sgiamhagan chase after Ronia and Biorc, it is with great difficulty that they manage to escape! Show more
Naidheachdan ionadail, nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta gach là cuide ri fiosrachadh coimhearsnachd bho BBC ALBA. Local, national and international news and information from BBC ALBA. Show more
Music from New Year's celebrations 2021, featuring Peat & Diesel.
Drama Gàidhlig stèidhichte ann an Leòdhas. Gaelic soap based on the Isle of Lewis.
Torcuil the poet and a teapot cause Peter the inventor to set off on a strange, paradox-filled journey. Show more
John Morrison interviews guests who witnessed major world events. This episode sees John talking with Pat Ballantyne about the Piper Alpha disaster of 1988. Show more
We take an aerial journey along the Ayrshire coast and learn about the first Open Championship which took place at Prestwick. Show more
Sgeulachd Eideard Dwelly, ùghdar am faclair ainmeil. The story of the man behind the indispensible Dwelly's Gaelic Dictionary. Show more
Nordic crime drama. With the help of Sonja’s friend Jenny, Hannis sets out a new plan to blow the police investigation wide open. Meanwhile, Karla makes a breakthrough. Show more
Sùil air ais air ALT. Ceòl bho Idlewild agus còmhradh leis an t-seinneadair Roddy Woomble. Highlights from ALT, with music from Idlewild and chat from singer Roddy Woomble. Show more
Music from New Year's celebrations 2021, featuring Peat & Diesel.
Màiri Anna NicUalraig le ceòl dùthchasach agus traidiseanta bho Celtic Connections. Featuring a diverse range of music, including one of Scotland’s finest folk bands, Breabach. Show more
Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.