Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.
Raonaid Reòthte has stolen Christmas from the Elf Village. Will Gliong Gliong be able to change her mind? Show more
As soon as it freezes, the bears go into hibernation - except for Ernest, who claims he’s accustomed to extreme temperature. Show more
‘Se àm na Nollaig a th’ann agus tha Rita agus a deagh charaid Boris a’deanamh aran-cridhe còmhla. It is Christmas and Rita and her friend Boris are making gingerbread together. Show more
Hare wakes up feeling under the weather, covered with red spots. Friends take care of her but this makes Fox a little jealous. Show more
Shane is getting ready to prepare a Christmas feast but heavy snow cuts the town off, meaning that nothing can be delivered. Can Shane keep everyone in festive cheer with nothing but sprouts?! Show more
Angela NicEachainn a’ leughadh Seo Mi Dhachaigh, Mo Bhean-phòsta. Angela MacEachen reads Seo Mi Dhachaigh, Mo Bhean-phòsta. Show more
How will Ansal and Griosal get on as they wander into the creepy forest on Christmas Eve? Show more
Investigative guides about members of the animal kingdom. Featuring Sean, a red fox cub growing up in the wilds of the British countryside. Show more
Zach and Lana look back at some of the best Christmas tunes recorded by the CBBC Alba team, from The Twelve Days of Christmas to Silent Night! Show more
Tha Ronia agus Biorc a’ dol a-mach air a chèile agus tha Ronia a’ dèanamh às. Ronia and Biorc fall out with one another and Ronia runs off. Show more
Naidheachdan ionadail, nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta gach là cuide ri fiosrachadh coimhearsnachd bho BBC ALBA. Local, national and international news and information from BBC ALBA Show more
Martin MacGregor talks about the lullaby and elegy “Griogal Cridhe” by Marion Campbell. Màrtainn MacGriogair le iomradh air a chumha “Griogal Cridhe” a rinn Mòr Chaimbeul. Show more
Drama Gàidhlig stèidhichte ann an Leòdhas. Gaelic soap set on the Isle of Lewis.
Fraochy Bay's annual talent contest is underway to sporadic and varied applause. All goes reasonably badly until Ina's dog meets the Flea Circus stars. Show more
Donald Morrison's archive reflections, including an interview with Murdo Morrison from Tong in Lewis who was celebrating his 100th birthday. Show more
A’ spothadh each Przewalski’s, lannsaireachd air retriever is beathaichean beag Bharraigh. A Przewalski’s horse gets castrated, cats and dogs in Barra and surgery on a retriever. Show more
Eòghann MacEunraig le caismeachdan is ceòl bho Tatù Rìoghail Armailteach Dhùn Èideann. Ewen Henderson presents highlights from the Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo 2023. Show more
Calum a’ gabhail dealbh caran neo-àbhaisteach aig Sgùrr an Fhìdhleir ann an Asaint. Calum attempts to take an unusual photo at Sgùrr an Fhìdhleir (The Fiddler) in Assynt.
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Sàr luchd-ciùil a’ comharrachadh an 50mh Ceann-bliadhna aig Sabhal Mòr Ostaig. Celebrating the 50th anniversary of Sabhal Mòr Ostaig with a star-studded concert. Show more
Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.