Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.
Tha Gudrun a’ leigeil fitheach ma sgaoil. Gudrun comes to the rescue of a trapped raven. Show more
Eilidh Cormack meets young pet owners who share how they care for and interact with their pets at home. In this episode, Eilidh is joined by Sally and Helen, and their rabbits Jasper and Delilah. Show more
Owl wants to enter a drawing contest, but fearing his work is not good enough, he throws it away. Fox brings the discarded drawing to Hare and they decide to send it in secretly. Show more
Tha reasabaidh gu math sònraichte a dhìth air Mama Polenta ro thachartas chudromach! Mama Polenta is looking for a rather specific recipe ahead of an important event. Show more
Tha mòran a' cur dragh air Gibidh an-diugh. Gibidh is quick to complain about others today. However, a pleasant surprise awaits. Show more
Tha na h-Abadas a' cluich le càraichean-rèisidh sa ghàrradh an diugh. After racing their go-karts in the garden, Ela, Hari and Seren play the word game. Show more
A bedtime story for young children. Eoghan Stewart reads Pom Pom Stùirceach, written and illustrated by Sophy Henn and translated into Gaelic by Morag Stewart. Show more
Tha an t-àm aig Ronia agus Biorc an uamh fhàgail agus tilleadh dhachaigh. It’s time for Ronia and Biorc to leave the cave and return home. Show more
Tha Maria airson teachdaireachd chudromach mu thruailleadh-mara innse tro obair ealain. Through her artwork, Maria attempts to convey an important message about ocean pollution. Show more
Stuff is going missing all over the world but the team are distracted, fascinated by Squawk’s new Futuroid camera, which incredibly spits out snaps of future events. Show more
Nì Màiri NicRisnidh agus bèiceirean sgileil fuine bhlasta gun nì ach na tha 'sa phreasa. Mairi MacRitchie and skilful home bakers share their favourite store cupboard recipes. Show more
Cothrom Gàidhlig ionnsachadh le Rhoda NicDhòmhnaill. Gaelic for beginners presented by Rhoda MacDonald. Show more
History short looking at caring for each other, including clowns in hospitals and a football match between nurses and patients. Show more
Naidheachdan ionadail, nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta gach là cuide ri fiosrachadh coimhearsnachd bho BBC ALBA
Local, national and international news and information from BBC ALBA Show more
Modernising a unit using bright paint and other colourful ideas with Shona Masson. Ag ùrachadh ciste dhràthraichean agus barrachd le dathan dealrach, le Shona Masson. Show more
First of a two-part series following Heather Dewar over a year of planting, weeding and cooking in the Islay countryside. The first episode features spring and summer produce. Show more
A look at the remarkable work of world-renowned genealogist Bill Lawson from Harris. Show more
An còmhlan aig Seumas Egan a’ cluich port a’ sgrìobh e fhèin - B Bump Bounce. The Seumas Egan Project from the States perform one of their own tunes. Show more
Drama Gàidhlig stèidhichte ann an Leòdhas. Gaelic soap set on the Isle of Lewis.
Prògram sònraichte le laoidhean agus smuaintean a’ comharrachadh Naomh Calum Cille. A special episode with hymns and reflections commemorating St Columba. Show more
Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.