Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.
Ceitidh Morag/Katie Morag
Series 2
Episode 2: Ceitidh Mòrag is a' chraobh-theaghlaich/Katie Morag's family tree.
14 minutes on BBC ALBA
Children's series. Katie Morag and the other children learn about relatives and work on their family trees. Show more
Pincidh and her family transform into superheroes when the president of Baile Mòr needs their help. Show more
Many in the village have a cold and are feeling extremely unwell. So Izzy makes a very tasty soup which also has healing qualities. Show more
'S e Iasg Ball-coise spòrsail a tha an làthair an-diugh. It’s a sporty Football Fish who puts in an appearance today. Show more
Ben challenges the Abadas to find a special little creature shaped like a star! Will the adventurous friends know where to find the creature? Show more
Ramsay MacMahon reads Seanmhair Eun written by Benji Davies and translated into Gaelic by Jo Macdonald. Show more
Tha Ronia a' dol an-sàs 's i a-muigh a’ sgitheadh an-diugh. Ronia gets tangled up while out skiing today. Show more
Tha Lisa draghail mun dol a-mach neo-àbhaisteach aig Granaidh – ach dè tha ceàrr oirre? Lisa is worried about Granny’s odd behaviour - what’s wrong with her? Show more
The Snowman is hired as Danger Mouse's new sidekick, leaving Penfold without a job.
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Droch-bheus bho Choinneach Clogaid mar ’s àbhaist – agus beagan draoidheachd. Bad behaviour from Coinneach Clogaid as always - and a little magic. Show more
Neen MacKay explores the world of salmon and fly fishing in Scotland. In this episode, Neen is in the Hebrides, home to some of the most exciting wild fishing in Europe. Show more
Cothrom Gàidhlig ionnsachadh le Rhoda NicDhòmhnaill. Gaelic for beginners presented by Rhoda MacDonald.
History short looking at changing music trends through the years.
Naidheachdan ionadail, nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta gach là cuide ri fiosrachadh coimhearsnachd bho BBC ALBA. Local, national and international news and information from BBC ALBA. Show more
Tha an taigh-fuine ag ullachadh airson seachdain mhòr nan geamaichean. The bakery is preparing for games week in Uist. Show more
Two sons of the Hebrides revealed – one a Tory MP and one a Soviet spy. Dithis le dàimh dha na h-eileanan, ballpàrlamaid Tòraidheach is brathadair Sòibheideach Show more
Nostalgic, lighthearted journey from the first days at primary school, right through to the very different world of the high school, and the beginning of adult life. Show more
A tourist and his wife visit Fraochy Bay and decide to pay a visit to the local museum with its ambitious exhibits relating to local history. Show more
Drama Gàidhlig stèidhichte ann an Leòdhas. Gaelic soap set on the Isle of Lewis.
Iain MacFhionghain le measgachadh de laoidhean, sailm agus sgeulachdan pearsanta mu chreideamhIain. Iain MacKinnon presents a mix of hymns, psalms and personal faith stories. Show more
Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.