Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.
Linda Macleod travels to Stornoway to meet local nursery school pupils and read Luchag Bheag aig Sgoil Sholais na Gealaich, by Simon Puttock. Show more
Tha Oona air bhioran ‘s i an dùil bogha-frois' a shealltainn do Bhaba airson a' chiad hair. Oona is very excited when she gets the chance to show Baba a rainbow for the first time. Show more
Padraig Post: Seirbheis Deis agus Sonraichte
Series 3
Episode 12: Pàdraig Post agus na Rolairean Rolaiseach
15 minutes on BBC ALBA
Available for years
Tha garbh-rathad a' cur bacadh air obair SDS. Pat's deliveries are delayed when an unusual package falls from the back of the van. Show more
Huggleboo discovers a beautiful butterfly, and calls him Wing. Show more
Pàdruig Moireasdan a’ leughadh An Latha Spòrs. Pàdruig Morrison reads An Latha Spòrs. Show more
This episode features Aleesha, a baby American alligator who is queen of her swamp and part of a clutch of 40 brothers and sisters. Show more
Ciamar a tha cùisean? Tha Coinneach Clogaid a’ feuchainn ri buannachadh mar is àbhaist. How are things today? Coinneach Clogaid is trying to win as always. Show more
Tha Mamaidh Mùman an greim ‘s i fo amharas gun do rinn i murt air Mrs Fhaoineastan. Mamaidh Mùman has been arrested and is suspected of murdering Mrs Fhaoineastan. Show more
Naidheachdan ionadail, nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta gach là cuide ri fiosrachadh coimhearsnachd bho BBC ALBA. Local, national and international news and information from BBC ALBA Show more
Fraochy Bay's annual talent contest is underway to sporadic and varied applause. All goes reasonably badly until Ina's dog meets the Flea Circus stars. Show more
Drama Gàidhlig stèidhichte ann an Leòdhas. Gaelic soap set on the Isle of Lewis.
Sgrìob tron phrògram aithriseach Cearcall a bh' air an telebhisean deireadh nan 70an. A nostalgic look back at material from the current affairs series of the late 1970s and 80s. Show more
Peter prepares the bed for planting out the brassicas and the struggle with snails begins! Tha Pàdruig a’cur corra sheòrsa càil – toiseach a’chogaidh an aghaidh nan seilcheag. Show more
Joy Dunlop a’ lìbhrigeadh ceòl bho luchd- ciùil òg san iar-chuairt dheireannaich. Joy Dunlop introduces young musicians competing to make it through to the final. Show more
Ealasaid loaned her high-end espresso machine to Ailig's girlfriend Una, and desperately wants it back. Unfortunately, Ailig and Una just broke up. Show more
Drama series. Phillips Petroleum introduces a smoking ban on Ocean Viking oil rig, and the mayor in Stavanger speculates on whether the Americans might have found oil. Show more
A hand-drawn animation by Catrìona Black about the Iolaire disaster and its lasting impact on the Lewis community. Show more
Series in which Calum Maclean shares his passion for swimming in remote, cold rivers and lochs. In the first episode, Calum is swimming in the River Douchary. Show more
Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.