Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.
Kit and Pup investigate the world of materials - today it’s bubbles. Show more
Kit and Pup investigate the world of plants and materials - today it’s fruit. Show more
Tha Otto airson sealladh iongantach nan tairbh-nathrath a' sgèith a shealltainn do dh'Oona. Otto wants to show Oona the amazing sight of the dragonflies in flight. Show more
Padraig Post: Seirbheis Deis agus Sonraichte
Series 3
Episode 25: Pàdraig Post agus Sàbhladh na Rionnaig Poip
14 minutes on BBC ALBA
Available for years
Tha dùbhlan fìor shònraichte aig Pàdraig. Pat is asked to rescue a pop star stuck out at sea. Show more
Tha Gudrun feargach agus na ròin air teicheadh. Gudrun is furious when her father and Olaf frighten the seals. Show more
Òrain a tha freagairt air seachdain a’ Mhòid bho Carrie, Linda, Ruairidh agus sgioba CBeebies ALBA. A selection of Mod songs from Carrie, Linda, Ruairidh and the CBeebies ALBA presenters.
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Angela NicAoidh a’ leughadh Air Mo Shlighe Dhan Amar. Angela Mackay reads Air Mo Shlighe Dhan Amar.
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Children's game show. The Grand Tournament draws nearer and Raven has two new challenges for the warriors: Towering Heights and Demon Causeway. Who will prevail? Show more
Hannah NicCurdaidh le sùil air na bha a' tachairt aig Mòd na Cloinne 2019. Hannah McKirdy with further highlights from the 2019 Children's Mod in Glasgow. Show more
Tha Fearchar Feargach is a chàirdean ri seòladh an-diugh ach saoil am buannaich e? Fearchar and friends are going sailing today. Who knows if he’ll win the competition?
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Ellen NicDhòmhnaill le taghadh de na naidheachdan as annasaiche a tha ri chluinntinn air BBC ALBA. Ellen introduces her personal highlights from the craziest news show on BBC ALBA! Show more
Drama Gàidhlig stèidhichte ann an Leòdhas. Gaelic soap set on the Isle of Lewis.
Naidheachdan ionadail, nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta gach là cuide ri fiosrachadh coimhearsnachd bho BBC ALBA. Local, national and international news and information from BBC ALBA.
Animated series. What did the butler hear when he answered the telephone? Show more
Sgrìob tron phrògram aithriseach Cearcall a bh' air an telebhisean deireadh nan 70an. A nostalgic look back at material from the current affairs series of the late 1970s. Show more
Documenting the place of village halls at the heart of communities across Scotland throughout the 20th century. The tearing down of many old village halls marks the end of an era. Show more
Cathy NicDhòmhnaill a’ toirt thugaibh còisirean a bhuannaich aig diofar Mhòdan. Featuring some of the best winners at previous Mods of competitions for Area Choirs. Show more
Featuring Allan Henderson, who pays tribute to some of his musical heroes, and the duo Smith and McClennan, with songs that reveal a gentle influence of Nashville.
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Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.