Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.
Tha Oona 's Baba air chall sa cheò. Preschool animation. A thick fog descends on Puffin Rock, leaving Oona and Baba confused about their whereabouts. Show more
Tha Oona ag ionnsachadh sgil iongantach ùr. Preschool animation. In order to get one over on the seagulls, Oona must learn a valuable new skill. Show more
Pincidh Dincidh Dù
Episode 12: Donaidh agus Gille na Craoibhe/Tyler Dinky Doo and the Legend of Twigfoot
13 minutes on BBC ALBA
Donaidh refuses to take a bath and becomes so dirty that he looks more like a monster than a little boy. Show more
Tha Shane ‘s a charaidean feumach air an sàbhaladh ‘s iad a buain shiristean! Shane and some of his friends need to be rescued from their cherry-picking adventures! Show more
Tha Bing na thuaineal an-diugh ‘s e fhèin ‘s Pando a’ cur nan caran air an timcheallan. Bing is feeling rather dizzy as he and Pando take a spin on the roundabout. Show more
Mòrag Anna NicNèill a’ leughadh Air a’ Chladach. Morag Ann MacNeil reads Air a’ Chladach. Show more
Dràgonan: Rèis chun an iomaill - Dragons: Race to the Edge
Series 1
Episode 17: Dubhadh-Gealaich/Bad Moon Rising
22 minutes on BBC ALBA
Children's animated series. Tuffnut is bitten by a strange creature and believes he will turn into a Lycanwing dragon when the moon is full. Show more
Tha Taekwondo am measg na rudan as fheàrr le Iona à Cille Bhrìghde an Ear. Iona from East Kilbride tells us about her favourite hobbies, including taekwondo. Show more
Tha an clas gu bhith nam pàrantan. In order to experience what parenthood is like, everyone in class is presented with a doll to look after. Show more
At the Callanish Visitor Centre, June brings a French tour group who demand a little extra attention from the staff, and at the stone circle, Pagans gather for the summer solstice. Show more
Cothrom Gàidhlig ionnsachadh le Rhoda NicDhòmhnaill. Gaelic for beginners presented by Rhoda MacDonald.
History short looking at life and business in the 60s.
Naidheachdan ionadail, nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta gach là le sgioba-naidheachd BBC ALBA. Local, national and international news from BBC ALBA.
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Sgiorradh air a’ bhlàr a-muigh le Calum MacIlleathain. Four young adults take a hike into the wilds of Scotland. What could possibly go wrong? Show more
At Five Sisters Zoo, Chris is getting hands on with a host of slippery and prickly creatures in the reptile section.
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The journey to secondary school life, another big change for any scholar as the steps towards the cusp of adulthood begin. Show more
Julie Fowlis and Muireann NicAmhlaoibh investigate the music and culture of Scotland and Ireland. In this episode, they visit Co. Kerry. Show more
Young South Uist singer Ruairidh Gray performs To God be the Glory, while Iain Alasdair MacSween from Harris explains the role of faith in his life. Show more
Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.