Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.
Tha ar caraidean a' lorg eun sònraichte. Preschool animation. Oona and Baba enlist Otto's 'owl skills' to help them find the White Egret. Show more
Tha Oona a cluich ann an Coille na Ceilpe. Preschool animation. Oona and Silky are playing in the Kelp Forest, but things seem a bit strange there today. Show more
Tha oifis seòrsachaidh SDS na boil an-diugh. Pat needs help with a delivery and there are no adults around to assist. Show more
Tha Eilidh NicCarmaig a’ coinneachadh ri Niah agus a dràgoin fheusagach, Dell is Phoenix. Eilidh Cormack meets Niah and her bearded dragons, Dell and Phoenix. Show more
Tha turas-dàna sònraichte a feitheamh air gach neach a tha deònach Òigear a leantainn! A special adventure awaits those brave enough to follow Oigear underwater. Show more
Scriobag uses a straight line to draw a pirate called Feusag Fhada who has lost his treasure. He is sure it is somewhere safe, but he cannot remember where. Show more
Dràgonan: Rèis chun an iomaill - Dragons: Race to the Edge
Series 1
Episode 15: Oidhche nan Sealgairean/Night of the Hunters, Pt 1
22 minutes on BBC ALBA
Children's animated series. Stormfly is captured by Ryker Grimborn and the Dragon Hunters must rescue her before it's too late. Show more
Airson a bhi laidir, feumaidh tu. Buntàta Amh invents some DIY weights.
Tha Takashi ‘s Ryuta a’ lorg bogsa le ‘beairteas’ ach ‘s e Takashi a tha gabhail a chliù. Takashi and Ryuta find a box of treasures but it is Takashi that takes all the credit. Show more
Naidheachdan ionadail, nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta gach là le sgioba-naidheachd BBC ALBA. Local, national and international news from BBC ALBA
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Tha gille og a' lorg lan fhirinn na sgeoil. A young man visits his dying grandfather in order to learn the truth behind his family history and his grandfather's ancient tales. Show more
Sgrìob air ais tron phrògram aithriseach Cearcall. A nostalgic look back at material from the current affairs series of the late 1970s and 80s. Show more
Drama Gàidhlig stèidhichte ann an Leòdhas. Gaelic soap based on the Isle of Lewis.
The colourful and unusual world of Fraochy Bay. Local builders the James Brothers get their priorities mixed up. Show more
Taghadh de dh'òrain agus bàrdachd Ghàidhlig mun Chiad Chogadh. A series featuring Gaelic songs and poetry about the First World War. Show more
Taghadh bho Belladrum 2019 le Elephant Sessions, Skerryvore agus Stephanie Cheape. Belladrum 2019 highlights featuring Elephant Sessions, Skerryvore and Stephanie Cheape. Show more
Ruairidh Alastair looks at the place of the monarchy in today’s society. Have the royals had their day or are they here to stay? Show more
Lighichean a' toirt taic air Taobh Siar Afraga. Documentary series following surgery ship African Mercy. This episode sees Dr Gary Parker reunited with a former patient. Show more
Drama in which the fragile balance of human relationships in a remote Scottish island community is reflected in two very different love stories. Show more
Highlights from Dr Feelgood's set at the 2017 Belladrum Tartan Heart Festival. The band played the Hothouse Stage on the Friday evening. Show more
Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.