Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.
Linda Macleod travels to Lochaber to meet local nursery school pupils and read Air do Bheatha Bhuan na Diogail Tìgear, written by Pamela Butchart and illustrated by Marc Boutavant. Show more
Bruno learns to dance like his friend the pink cow.
Nuair a tha Penny a' fàgail Bea le Shane is Izzy, tha Bea gu math mì-riaraichte. When Penny leaves Bea with Shane and Izzy, Bea is very unsettled. Show more
Chan eil Witzy idir sgìth ach tha Patches ag innse sgeulachdan dha son fhàgail cadalach. Patches tells Witzy bedtime stories to help make him sleepy.
Tha trèan ùr aig Bing ‘s tha beachdan dàna aig Pando air mar a chluicheas iad leatha. Bing has a new toy train, for which Pando invents some daring games! Show more
Tha Miguel milleadh àm cruthachalachd-coille. Miguel needs to find a hobby that will distract him from interrupting jungle creative time. Show more
A bedtime story for young children. Catriona Lexy Campbell reads Poca-dheargadan, written and illustrated by Helen Stephens and translated into Gaelic by Jo MacDonald. Show more
Tha neach-trèanaidh ùr aig an Lùchairt. A talented youngster emerges and Po soon resents the attention bestowed on the new recruit. Show more
Feumaidh sinn ar fiaclan a chumail geal, gleansach. Tooth care is very important - especially flossing.
Children's series. The pupils find themselves in the science lab with equipment that makes things bigger or smaller. Soon, the school is overrun with giant animals. Show more
Children's series. The farm is paid an unexpected visit by an escapee from the nearby prison who takes refuge in the barn. Show more
Seasaidh NicAoidh a sheas còirichean na mnà ann a New Zealand. Following individual Gaels on global journeys. In this episode, New Zealand poet and suffragette Jessie MacKay. Show more
Cothrom Gàidhlig ionnsachadh le Rhoda NicDhòmhnaill. Gaelic for beginners presented by Rhoda MacDonald.
Robyn Stapleton a'seinn an òran The Lads That Were Reared Among The Heather aig Na Trads. Robyn Stapleton performs at the Trad Awards. Show more
Naidheachdan ionadail, nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta gach là le sgioba-naidheachd BBC ALBA. Local, national and international news from BBC ALBA
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Gaelic survival series. Four school leavers from Glasgow tackle the hardest mountain climb in the UK: the Cuillin Ridge on the Isle of Skye. Show more
Documentary telling the story of Scotland's women's national football team and their successful showing at Euro 2017. Show more
Cathy MacDonald takes a look at how the world of Gaelic literature has evolved over the last 50 years. With various book festivals, groups and initiatives, it is now a whole new multi-genre world. Show more
Music and song from some of Scotland's finest performers including Kathleen MacDonald and Fiona Kennedy. Show more
Calum Martin sings 'An t-Àite bh' aig Eoin', Calum Alex MacMillan performs Psalm 116 and Ruairidh MacLean gives a personal account on the role that religion plays in his life. Show more
Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.