Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.
Tha Mossy air a bhith a' cruinneachadh dhearcagan ach tha e coltach gun deach an goid air! Mossy has been gathering a stash of berries but it seems that they have all been stolen! Show more
Tha an sgioba gus èirigh na grèine a choimhead còmhla, ach chan eil sgeul air Mossy! The crew meet to watch a special sunrise together, but there’s no sign of Mossy! Show more
Tha Gudrun a’ coinneachadh pònaidh fiadhaich sa choille. Gudrun meets a wild pony whilst playing in the forest. Show more
Tha Gudrun a’ leigeil fitheach ma sgaoil. Gudrun comes to the rescue of a trapped raven. Show more
Tha na Floogals air an clisgeadh an-diugh. Animated children's show. It's Halloween and the Hoomans are in costume - and the Floogals are petrified. Show more
Tha tòrr obair lìbhrigidh ri dheanamh. Everyone is busy making deliveries today - even the wind has things to pick up. Show more
Children's series. When one of the pigs attempts to make friends with Timmy, his cohorts evict him as punishment for un-pig-like behaviour. Show more
Kathleen NicAonghais a’ leughadh Tha Leòmhann na mo Chornflakes. Kathleen MacInnes reads Tha Leòmhann na mo Chornflakes. Show more
Dràgonan: Rèis chun an iomaill - Dragons: Race to the Edge
Series 2
Smugaid Slànachaidh/Buffalord Soldier
22 minutes on BBC ALBA
Astrid comes down with the “Scourge of Odin” and the Riders must search for the cure by finding a nearly extinct Buffalord dragon before Viggo does. Show more
Tha Sara à Glaschu ag innse mu na rudan as fheàrr leatha.. Sara from Glasgow shares her favourite hobbies, which include playing tennis. Show more
Light-hearted look at historic civilisations and their inventions. The History Hunters go undercover and take a look at the gadgets and tactics used by spies. Show more
First in a six-part series following Donald MacSween as he tries to make it as a full-time crofter. This episode sees him preparing to go into egg production. Show more
Cothrom Gàidhlig ionnsachadh le Rhoda NicDhòmhnaill. Gaelic for beginners presented by Rhoda MacDonald.
Malinky a' cluich The Term Time aig Na Trads '15. Malinky play The Term Time at the 2015 Trads.
Naidheachdan ionadail, nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta gach là le sgioba-naidheachd BBC ALBA. Local, national and international news from BBC ALBA.
Nì Fraoch Nic an Deòir dealbh dubh is geal den chroitear Uibhisteach Ena NicDhòmhnaill. Heather Dewar draws a charcoal portrait of Uist crofter Ena MacDonald.
Ciamar a’ tha a’ Yoik a’ dìon fèidh-shneachda ann an Dùthaich nan Sàmi. Seumas MacLetchie journeys to meet a Sami yoik artist in Finnish Lapland. Show more
Football coverage from the Scottish Premiership as St Mirren take on Motherwell. Show more
Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.