Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.
Pincidh Dincidh Dù
Episode 7: Donaidh Dincidh Dù - Boo!/Tyler Dinky Doo's Big Boo
13 minutes on BBC ALBA
Tyler wants to be super scary when he goes trick-or-treating, but everybody just thinks he is cute. Show more
Feumaidh Pàdraig peapagan a lìbhrigeadh gu partaidh na peapaig ann an àm an-diugh. Pat has to deliver pumpkins for the school's pumpkin party. Show more
Children's programme. Bruno tiptoes quietly and then stomps around being very loud.
Tha partaidh samhna gu bhith aig an sgioba ach tha taibhs a goid na mìlsean às a' ghàrradh. The friends plan a Halloween party, but a ghost steals their treats. Show more
Nuair a thig fear-spòrs à fànas, feumaidh Zack, Quack 's Ciora a chuideachadh le geama mòr. When an athlete comes from space, the friends must help him win a game. Show more
Dràgonan: Rèis chun an iomaill - Dragons: Race to the Edge
Series 2
Smugaid Slànachaidh/Buffalord Soldier
22 minutes on BBC ALBA
Astrid comes down with the “Scourge of Odin” and the Riders must search for the cure by finding a nearly extinct Buffalord dragon before Viggo does. Show more
Tha Sara à Glaschu ag innse mu na rudan as fheàrr leatha.. Sara from Glasgow shares her favourite hobbies, which include playing tennis. Show more
Bidh Miko ag aisling mu sòmbaidhean, aislingean a tha cur an dearg eagal air, 's a tha fìor. Miko has nightmares about zombies, ones that scare him, and could be real. Show more
Naidheachdan ionadail, nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta gach là le sgioba-naidheachd BBC ALBA. Local, national and international news from BBC ALBA
Geama ball-coise bho’n Prìomh Lìg na h-Alba le Hibernian a’ dol an aghaidh St Johnstone. Football coverage from the Scottish Premiership as Hibernian take on St Johnstone.
Drama Gàidhlig stèidhichte ann an Leòdhas. Gaelic soap set on the Isle of Lewis.
Dugie restores a piece of dinosaur bone, the Strictly Skye dance event is held in Portree, and Duntulm crofters take their sheep home from Trodday Island. Show more
Catrìona NicNèill aig Farpaisean Chòmhlan Pìoba na Cruinne le còmhlain aig ìre a h-aon. Catriona MacNeil presents performances from the World Pipe Band Championships 2018. Show more
Based on letters and journals, many of which have never been published before, this programme tells the story of 1914-18 solely through the eyes of those who lived through it. Show more
Geama ball-coise bho’n Prìomh Lìg na h-Alba le Hibernian a’ dol an aghaidh St Johnstone. Football coverage from the Scottish Premiership as Hibernian take on St Johnstone.
Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.