Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.
An caill Santa cuideam ann a tìde. Will Santa lose weight in time for Christmas?
It's Christmas Eve and Peppa and George are busy posting their letters to Santa. Peppa would like a yo-yo and George wants a train set, but 'oh dear' poor Santa has lost his list! Show more
Aileag na Nollaig - Nollaig Chridheil! Agus abair biadh math! Colourful Christmas cookies.
Ceòl is òrain, cuide ri Fiona agus na càirdean aice - Flòraidh, Fionnlagh agus Fear Mòr nam Fonn! Songs and music, with Fiona and friends, Flora, Finlay and The Great Conductor. Show more
Bhipo meets Father Christmas and Torcall the Reindeer in Scandinavia. They notice that the Christmas presents have gone missing. Show more
Rupert Shelley is a ten-year-old boy who falls hopelessly in love for the first time ever. When it all goes horribly wrong, he wishes never to experience heartache again. Show more
An caill Santa cuideam ann a tìde. Will Santa lose weight in time for Christmas?
Children's animation. Spike works in Santa Claus's workshop and has been given a really important mission to try and get all of Santa's letters back safely. Show more
Gaelic children's programme.
Cluanie the Jack Russell is a small dog with a big voice - can resident dog expert Julie MacDonald help owner Micky control his barking? Show more
Julie Fowlis narrates an unforgettable celebration of the close relationship found on the Islands between people, wildlife and music. Show more
Naidheachdan ionadail, nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta gach là le sgioba-naidheachd BBC ALBA. Local, national and international news from BBC ALBA.
Drama mu aona bhoirrineach agus a h-aite ann an eachdraidh na Cloiche. A powerful drama on the removal of the Stone of Destiny. Show more
Sgeulachd mu Capercaille, a th' air toirt cultar na Gàidhlig gu aire dhaoine air feadh an t-saoghail. A profile of Capercallie, including on the road footage and candid interviews. Show more
Documentary. 1450 years on since Columba set foot on Iona, Babs McGregor journeys to this special island to see if Columba's legacy lives on in 2013. Show more
A selection of carols and readings from Christmas celebrations recorded across the Highlands and Islands, re-telling the Christmas story. Show more
Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.