Our friends find themselves at the Taj Mahal, where they meet two interesting characters, Anad and Shakira. Show more
The koala can't sleep because the kangaroo keeps practising for the Australian High Jump Championship. Show more
Not only bulldozers are threatening to destroy the Amazon rainforests, but also a strange tooth monster appears! Show more
Jose and Manuel keep hunting for treasures to get rich quickly, but Bhipo teaches them a valuable lesson about money. Show more
Anpu the camel explores the pyramids but gets stuck in one of the narrow passageways underground. Luckily Bhipo isn't far away! Show more
The King Congo learns a valuable lesson from Beitidh and Bhipo. The King must understand that he needs to represent his people and be a good leader to them. Show more
Bhipo's journey takes us to Paris, a beautiful romantic city for people who are in love, but who will Jacqueline marry? Show more
Two squirrel kids travel to Manhattan to find their uncle, a Shakespearean actor and master of disguise. Show more
Akiro, Tokyo's gadgets fair bulldog guard, is so scary that he has no friends, except for the heartless exhibition's robots. Show more
When there is no tea to be had in London, Bhipo discovers that the ravens have played a crucial role in the mystery. Show more
This journey takes us to Switzerland, where an abundance of chocolate on the ski slopes is creating mayhem. Show more
Tha Bhipo sa charaidean ann am baile Salzburg ach tha an aileag a' tighinn air Beitidh bhochd. Beitidh is hit by a bout of the hiccups in Salzburg. Show more
Bhipo, Beitidh and Eanraig come to the rescue when a thief steals a crown from the Schoenbrunn Palace in Vienna. Show more
Bhipo and friends are happy to help Blacky the sheep when he asks them to deliver a kilt to his friend Nessie. Show more
The animals are gathered for the Olympic Games, but the Olympic torch has been extinguished by mistake. Show more
The Dog Barber of Seville wants to give all the canine residents the same look in his efforts to achieve worldwide domination! Show more
Tha na caraidean ann an Venice an diugh agus tha Beitidh ann an cunnart mòr. The friends are in Venice today and Betty is in grave danger. Show more
Tha na seòid a' caith buinn do Thobar Trevi agus a' miannachadh diofar rudan. Saoil dè? The gang toss coins into the Trevi Fountain. Show more
Bhipo and his friends are delighted to visit Hamburg Zoo but as usual trouble awaits them. Show more
There is much going on in Amsterdam today and Vincent Van Ruadh is full of mischief. Show more