Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.
An caill Santa cuideam ann a tìde. Will Santa lose weight in time for Christmas?
Gaelic children's cartoon. The winter comes to an end and spring arrives. Everybody is happy except the snowman, who needs to stay cold to survive. Show more
Bruno plays in, out and around the big brown box.
Gaelic children's programme. Pat enlists the help of Seonaidh Saor to deliver a tricky piano. Show more
Sgriobag draws a snowman and they go on holiday to the beach. However, when the snowman starts to melt, Sgriobag starts to draw a new location. Show more
'S ann le moit a tha Seumas a' falbh leis a' ghuail - cho moiteil 's nach eil e deònach cuideachadh a thoirt do chàch. James delivers coal. Show more
Tha na h-einnseanan còir ag ullachadh cuirm dhiomhair, do Thòmas. The engines decide to throw a surprise party just for Thomas. Show more
An caill Santa cuideam ann a tìde. Will Santa lose weight in time for Christmas?
Gaelic children's cartoon about Connie the cow. A cold weather adventure. Spòrs san t-Sìde Fhuar.
Gaelic children's series about a little boy whose wellingtons can grant wishes. Show more
Charlie is Lola
Series 1
Episode 19: Sneachda - an rud as fheàrr air thalamh/Snow Is My Favourite and My Best
10 minutes on BBC ALBA
Gaelic children's programme. Charlie, Lola, Matta and Anna spend time in the park making snow angels. Show more
Children's series. Bruno shows off his colourful balloons and then goes for a balloon ride. Show more
On their trip to the North Pole, Louie and Yoko meet a polar bear called Albert. Show more
Rupert Shelley is a ten-year-old boy who falls hopelessly in love for the first time ever. When it all goes horribly wrong, he wishes never to experience heartache again. Show more
Three teens battle alien invaders with the help of an alien girl. A group of young aliens arrive and it is up to the MBC to introduce them to Earth. Show more
A toirt sùil air am buaidh a th'aig a mhuir air dha saor-eathraichean. The work of two boat-builders.
Cothrom Gàidhlig ionnsachadh le Rhoda NicDhòmhnaill. Gaelic for beginners presented by Rhoda MacDonald.
Naidheachdan ionadail, nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta gach là le sgioba-naidheachd BBC ALBA. Local, national and international news from BBC ALBA.
A night of box and fiddle music from Glasgow's Royal Concert Hall, as the stars of today pay tribute to the dancebands and the musicians who influenced them. Show more
A' comharrachadh beatha 's ceòl agus a' caoidh bàs a' phìobaire ainmeil Albannach Gordon Duncan. The life, music and tragic loss of Scottish piper Gordon Duncan. Show more
Tha Pluto agus Emma ann an Cardiff. Pluto and Emma are in Cardiff to sample the local surf, visit the oldest record shop in the world and listen to some new Welsh comedians. Show more
Documentary on the remote town of Sapa, which lies in the highlands of north Vietnam. Sapa is home to a mosaic of colourful hill tribes and opened to tourism in the late 1990s. Show more
It's a day like any other for most of the residents of Fraochy Bay. However, for Jessie and Ina it's a day for celebration as Ina finally decides to upgrade her toilet facilities. Show more
Tha Neen NicAoidh a tadhal air siostaman-aibhne Linne Giùdain agus Linne Shamhlaigh. Neen MacKay discovers the salmon systems on the Firth of Forth and the Solway Firth.
Sealladh ùr bho Alba. A new view from Scotland.