BBC Alba joins Radio nan Gàidheal, the BBC's Gaelic language radio service.
Scriobag is a monster who draws friends in her plain white world with her magic crayons. Today, she draws a whistling pig called Murchadh. Show more
Gaelic children's programme. The Little People talk about the hospital.
Blarag a' Bho
Blàrag ag Iarraidh a bhith Diofraichte (Connie Wants to Be Different)
5 minutes on BBC ALBA
Blàrag wants to be able to swim, fly and spring along very fast. Then she meets a duck who is truly marvellous. Show more
Srath Sona/Happy Valley
Episode 7: Ag Èirigh sa Mhadainn (Getting Up in the Morning)
5 minutes on BBC ALBA
All the little animals are waking up, ready for the day. Gwen and Gareth have to get ready too. Show more
Tha dùbhlan mu choinneamh trì buidhnean de sgoilearan 's aca ri dreach ùr a chur air òran Gàidhlig.
Three groups of schoolchildren are challenged to write a new version of a Gaelic song. Show more
Youngsters aged ten to thirteen reveal their passion for a place or pastime. Keira Smith shares her love of Dunbeg, near Oban. Show more
Cuirmean, coinneamhan 's tachartasan - sùil air dè tha dol air feadh na dùthcha thall 's a bhos. Concerts, meetings and events - a round-up of what is on across the country.
Gaelic language fun, songs, stories and adventures in a magical land.
Ag Ionnsachadh le Blarag/Learning with Connie
Series 1
Episode 19: Taimhseachan an t-Seangain (Bhriste)/The Puzzle (If It Ain't Broke)
3 minutes on BBC ALBA
Children's cartoon. Blarag has a puzzle which shows how to tell the difference between the ant's body parts. Show more
Tha Lùthaidh, Annag agus Siùsaidh a' leigeil orra gur e Innseanaich à Ameireaga a tha annta. Yoko and Sophie pretend to be Native Americans.
Co rinn an cidsin cho salach, co ach Cathag! Cathag creates a mess in the kitchen.
Cleas is cunnart, ... agus gaidseatan gu leòr le na h-àidseantan sgairteil. Danger and fun - and gadgets galore, with the special agents.
Youngsters aged ten to thirteen reveal their passion for a place or pastime. Calum MacInnes gives a tour around his family croft in Totescore. Show more
Fairich math le biadh fallain. Buntàta Amh tries to eat healthily.
A toirt sùil air am buaidh a th' aig a mhuir air gnìomhachais thurasachd. The effect of tourism on those dependent on and influenced by the sea.
Feumaidh sinn ar fiaclan a chumail geal, gleansach. Tooth care is very important - especially flossing.
Cothrom Gàidhlig ionnsachadh le Rhoda NicDhòmhnaill. Gaelic for beginners presented by Rhoda MacDonald.
Colin tries out his Gaelic with a chat-up line, but his sunglasses let him down. Another humorous misadventure with the hapless DJ and his Gaelic-speaking dog Cumberland. Show more
Welcome to the town on the fringes of the map. Fraochy Bay is overrun with sheep, and local dignitaries are stumped until a stranger appears. Show more
Cuirmean, coinneamhan 's tachartasan - sùil air dè tha dol air feadh na dùthcha thall 's a bhos. Concerts, meetings and events - a round-up of what is on across the country.
Naidheachdan ionadail, nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta gach là le sgioba-naidheachd BBC ALBA. Local, national and international news from BBC ALBA.
Series charting a year in the lives of five Scottish crofters. Anne and Donald sell their lambs amid a deepening foot and mouth crisis and disastrous prices. Show more
A change in DEFRA regulations means it is possible for people to own a wolf dog without a licence. Can these dogs be pets? Show more
Three young ladies try to make it in the hospitality industry. This week they run a popular hotel. Show more
Là eile air an rathad - agus am faigh na sgoilearan cead-draibhidh an HGV? Another eventful day on the road. Will the HGV students pass their test?
BBC Alba joins Radio nan Gàidheal, the BBC's Gaelic language radio service.