Barry, Ostlere and Shepherd Band
Conductor, John Fauids
and forecast for farmers and shipping
A gramophone miscellany
Recipe for Happiness
' Facing the Inevitable'
Talk by the Bishop of Croydon
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Expert advice on topical domestic questions
Jack Coles and his Orchestre Moderne
Talk by E.V. Whate
Many people have keipt a pet fox but how many have had one thrust upon them as a house guest? Mrs. Whate describes her reactions to just this situation.
Julia Bouttell (soprano)
George Hardeman (bass-baritone)
Muriel Liddle (harp)
Philip Cranmer (accompanist)
Songs (bass-baritone):
STORIES FROM WORLD HISTORY. ' Timujin ' (Genghis Khan., 1162-1227). Script by Rhoda Power. (BBC recording)
Come, thou long-expected Jesus (BBC
Hymn Book 30)
New Evety Morning, page 72 Canticle 4 (Broadcast Psalter) Isaiah 2, vv. 5-12, 19-22
Lord of mercy and of might (BBC
Hymn Bock 296)
Cecil Normian and the Rhythm Players
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Reports from Britain and overseas
and his Orchestra with Patti Forbes
Kenny Bardell and Gordon Langhorn
The Mackpies
LET'S JOIN IN. ' Mrs. Jolly and Mrs. Grump': a Christmas story by Jean Bruce
2.20 ADVENTURBS IN MUSIC. Haydn's 'Gypsy Rondo': an illustrated talk by Amy May
2.40 HISTORY II. Joseph Arch : a farmworker organises other farm-workers to combine to better their lot. Script by Philippa Peance
from Llandaff Cathedral
The Lord's Prayer
Versicles and Responses
Psalms 12, 13, 14
First Lesson: Isaiah 8, vv. 16-22; 9, vv. 1-7
Magnificat (Ley in A minor)
Second Lesson: James 2, vv. 14-26 Nunc dimittis (Ley in A minor)
Creed, Suffrages, and Collects
Anthem: O Worship the Lord (Travers)
Prayers and Grace
Organ Voluntary: Introduction, and Toccata (Walond, arr. Harry Wall)
Shipping and general weather forecasts. followed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
A comment on the home news
The speaker this week is
Kevin Fitzgerald
A series of six broadcasts in which Africans and British administrators discuss the questions they believe to be most relevant to the understanding of Africa
4-Between Two Worlds
B. M. Gecaga
Eric Davies
In the Chair, R. A. Maguire for many years in the Colonial Service in Tanganyika and now Lecturer in Swahili at Oxford University
As roads and railways penetrate into Africa, the ideas and institutions of the twentieth century are brought to the tribal African who has always lived by ancient codes and customs. He is attracted to the new world of cities and industry and money, but has no means of adapting himself to it. He is between two worlds.
The speakers describe, from their own experience, an individual African's plight and show how it reflects the larger difficulties of adapting African soc.ety to the demands of the modern world and of satisfying Africa's demands for its benefits.