and forecast for farmers and shipping
Music for soloist and orchestra, on gramophone records: 5-Weber's Konzertstiick, Debussy's Saxophone Rhapsody, and Bloch's Hebrew Rhap sody ' Schelomo '
and his Orchestra
Regional Variations (6)
Service from St. George's Congregational Churcn. Middlesbrough : The Rev. L. J. Malkinson.
Service from Sherwell Congregational Church, Ply-mouth: The Rev. Harold Bickley.
Service from Christ Church Congregational Church, Penarth: The Rev. Idris C. Evans.
Service from Sansome Walk Baptist Church. Worcester: The Rev. C. C. Chambers.
As North
from Christ Church Congregational Church, Penarth
Introit: Show me thy ways, 0 Lord
The Lord's Prayer
How pleased and blest was I (Cong.
H. 231: Tune, Ascalon)
Lesson: St. Matthew 6. vv. 24-33
Chant: Give ear to my words, 0 Lord
(Cong. H. 792)
Anthem: Be not thou far from me
(attributed to Palestrina)
Sermon by the Rev. Idris C. Evans Prayer
Love divine. all loves excelling (Cong.
H. 157: Tune. Hyfrydol)
Sevenfold Amen
Organist and Choirmaster,
William Camp
Regional Variations (4)
James Reia baritone).
Norman Lumsden (bass).
The Week in the West .
sung by Norman Lumsden (bass)
The Raeburn Orchestra
Conductor, Wynford Reynolds
Regional Variations (3)
Welsh Service from Baptist Church-, Aberduar. Llanvbvther: The Rev. W. Hugh Davies.
New records reviewed by Martin Cooper.
Martin Cooper reviews recent issues
Regional Variations (2)
London String Orchestra.
Conductor, Alan Bush
Prelude from English Suite No. 3:
Fugue for six voices from The
by E. H. Young
Read by Gladys Young
14 — ' Housekeeper Wanted '
Regional Variations (3)
s'pa Orchestra.
Maria Solimini (piano).
Directed by Tom Jenkins
Regional Variations (3)
The Week Films, by B. L. Jacot.
News in Welsh.
by B. L. Jacot
and forecast for farmers and shipping
A monthly programme of'science and observation. Produced by Desmond Hawkins. 22 — Animal Scent': Brian Vesey-FitzGerald introduces H. M. Budgett and Sheila Young
Regional Variations (4)
Band of the Royal Artillery (Woolwich).
Y.M.C.A. Centenary programme .
As North
Major 0. W. Geary , M.B.E.
Director of Music
Regional Variations (7)
'In Your Garden.'
As North
' In Your Garden.'
' Fire at Sea': talk by William Brown.
' Beyond the Back Door
For Welsh Sunday Schools.
' Soil Cultivation,' by Gordon Forsyth
Regional Variations (2)
Reginald King and his Courtiers.
and his Courtiers with Gwendolen Mason (harp)
Regional Variations (2)
'The Clarion Call to Mankind': talk by Rabbi I. Brodie.
A talk by Rabbi I. Brodie , Senior Jewish Chaplain, on the present-day significance of the Jewish New Year Festival
The title is taken from the memory of sounding the* Shofar horn in the synagogue at New Year, which begins today
Regional Variations (5)
As Midland
The Calvert String Quartet.
As Midland.
City of Birmingham Orchestra; Franz Osborn (piano).
Calvet String Quartet:
J. Calvet (violin)
J. Champeil (violin)
M. Husson (viola)
M. Recasens (cello)
Given before an audience in the Concert Hall, Broadcasting House, London
Regional Variations (3)
' The Big City ': a programme in words and music .
' Perpetual Honeymoon ' : radio fantasyby Evelyn Cooper.
A radio fantasy by Evelyn Cooper
Produced by Mary Hope Allen
(Patricia Hilliard is appearing in 'Noose ')
Regional Variations (4)
Children's Hour.
Midland Savings announcements. G.
Children's Hour.
' With Wilfred in the Isle of Man'
A journey down one of the loneliest and least-known parts of the island, from Peel to Spanish Head
Script by Kathleen Killip
Produced by Nan Macdonald
Regional Variations (6)
Scottish Savings news.
Ulster Savings Bulletin
Northern Savings Bulletin.
National Savings Review.
Welsh Savings Bulletin.
and forecast for farmers and shipping
A weekly programme in which BBC special correspondents describe the scene in India after the transfer of power to the Dominions of India and Pakistan
' Report from India ' is compiled from cables and recordings made on the spot by Robert Stimson. Wynford Vaughan Thomas , Richard Sharp , and Edward Ward
Regional Variations (7)
Daisy Badger and Hilda Stephenson (two pianos).
Mary Chandler (oboe).
' From the Oratorios ' : famous arias and choruses
Band of the Coldstream Guards.
' Sunday Salon.'
As North
A musical miscellany of favourite tunes and songs
Anton and his Orchestra
Ida Shepley (contralto)
James Moody (piano) t and Charles Emesco and his Sextet
Presented by Stanton Jefferies
Regional Variations (2)
Service conducted by Canon Eric Abbott. Dean of King's College, London
conducted by Canon Eric Abbott , Dean of King's College, University of London
Prayers of Preparation
Jesus, where'er thy people meet (S.P.
Address: ' The Prayer of Christ on Earth'
Psalm 42
Address (concluded)
Dear Lord and Father of mankind
(S.P. 481)
Reading Prayers
Nunc dimittis
The first of three services about Christian prayer
Appeal on behalf of the Ex-Services Welfare Society, by Marshal of the Royal Air Force, Viscount Portal of Hungerford, K.G., G.C.B., O.M., D.S.O., M.C.
Contributions will be gratefully acknowledged, and should be addressed to [address removed]
-The third book of John Gals worthy's ' Forsyte Saga.' Adapted for broadcasting as a serial in eleven episodes by Muriel Levy. Produced by Val Gielgud and Felix Felton. Episode 8
Regional Variations (3)
Feature: ' The Battle for Britain.'
Welsh talk.
The Story of a Great Partnership
The programme, to be broadcast in six weekly parts, begins next Sunday at 9.30 p.m.
• God is our Hope and Strength.' Psalm 62. vv. 1-8; Romans 8, vv. 14-17, 28-39; Put thou thy trust in God (A. and M. 692); 1 Corinthians 1, v. 9