When a tiny Fireworm dragon ends up at Icaris, Alex has a decision to make.
Eugene discovers the lair and demands a dragon of his own.
A mistake is made during an attempt to get displaced Fire Gronckles back to their realm.
The Dragon Riders must sneak a very sick Magma Breather into the Icaris infirmary.
Tom must confront a moment of regret from his past in order to defeat the Sky Torcher.
Moving to an exotic new home, an adventurous teenager meets a new group of kids and discovers a dragon in the fissure.
Tom has to keep his mum distracted while Jun, Alex and D’Angelo use a new dragon to close off a cave leading to the Crystal Realm, and prevent her from discovering the dragons.
Tom and the Riders try to save Icaris when it is revealed to be in danger from a monstrous dragon.
Tom and the riders discover the Ice Realm and find Buzzsaw inside.
Feathers and Webmaster go missing during a blizzard in the Ice Realm.
Jun breaks the rules by sneaking a small, adorable dragon out of the Crystal Realm and bringing it home, but finds that her older brother, Eugene, has arrived and watches her every move.
Tom and the others debate how to keep the dragons a secret, even as a rambunctious young cloaking dragon gets loose in town and pursues a friendship with a reluctant Alex.
Feathers is taken by a group of possible zombie dragons. Show more
Tom and the other riders try to help put out a forest fire that is threatening Icaris.
Tom forges a friendship with the dragon that he encountered, before discovering an entire world of dragons within the fissure.
Tom forges a friendship with the dragon that he encountered, and later on discovers an entire world of dragons within the fissure.
Tom and Jun take a risk in revealing the secret of the Hidden Realm to D’Angelo in order to aid an injured dragon, and D’Angelo bonds with Plowhorn.
The dragon riders venture to a place the Book of Dragons seems to say is dangerous.
Tom’s leadership abilities are questioned by Eugene over his attempt to confront Buzzsaw.
Tom and D’Angelo must come together to help Alex and Jun escape from the Spiderwings.