Freezing and fearful, Hickey hits upon someone to blame for the terrible death toll. Show more
Denied the one supply he relies on, Crozier’s command of his near-deserted ship is further tested when the beast gets aboard.
Having weathered the winter, the crews search for signs of the ice relenting. Lt Gore’s group, leaving messages on a barren but known landmass, have a violent encounter. Show more
Autumn, 1846. Two ships seeking the fabled Northwest Passage around Canada get caught in the Arctic ice. Show more
Days after another loss, Franklin is dismissive of Crozier, while the bear-trap has a bloody outcome. Show more
January 1848. Sorry stories are shared with Fitzjames and Crozier before the former orders a last hurrah for the stranded crewmen – with tragic consequences.
The spring sun signals the beginning of the crew’s long trek towards potential rescue, but they are kept in the dark about what their contaminated food is doing to them.
Drax has a daring opportunity to escape, but must convince Cavendish to help him. Otto’s vision comes to life as Sumner hunts a bear, but he strays too far into icy oblivion.