The day of the move to the new house arrives, but as William loads the girls onto the cart, Harriet arrives asking for Margaret, since Nathaniel is asking for her.
Emily is in even more dire straits and seeks to escape Golden Square.
Having left Sir George, Charlotte is penniless and getting desperate.
In attempting to save one daughter, Margaret has seemingly condemned the other.
An increasingly desperate Margaret tries to find a way to help both her daughters.
With Margaret’s business at the new Greek Street house suffering from Florence Scanwell’s endless preaching outside, Charlotte suggests a masquerade party and promises to entice the upper set. Show more
Brothel owner Margaret Wells is on the threshold of moving into a more up-market house in Soho when her premises are raided by the nightwatchmen. Show more
Nancy has a plan to help Margaret in her vendetta with Lydia. William tells Margaret that a man has been asking after her in the taverns. Show more