Drama. When teenager Lucidia fakes her own abduction by aliens, her father begins his search for her among her otherworldy friends, who all believe they have been abducted too. Show more
Mystery drama series. Shari, Mimi and the gang have their work sabotaged - is someone at their new school behind it? Show more
Mystery drama series. Shari plots to get closer to her prime suspect - while Syd and Chloe run into a troll of their own. Show more
Mystery drama series. There's a shock in store for Mimi as the investigation continues... Show more
Mystery drama series. Shari and Mimi team up once again, as they stake out the showcase dress rehearsal and uncover a brand new suspect. Show more
Mystery drama series. Shari, Syd and Chloe all follow the clues to a cosplay at Laser Maze - but will they find the Nameless One lurking beneath one of the masks? Show more
Mystery drama series. Shari and Mimi reunite but can't agree over who they think the Nameless One is. Their investigation leads to a scary showdown. Show more
Mystery drama series. Shari and Isla make a plan to save the showcase. Meanwhile, an old Dixi post from the past leads to upset for one of the students.
Mystery drama series. The Nameless One causes chaos on the evening of the showcase, while shocking new evidence leads to heartbreak for one of the gang. Show more
Mystery drama series. Shari and Mimi finally face down the Nameless One. Whodunnit? The truth about all the Dixi drama is all about to come out.