US drama series. Colonel Glen orders Odelle to go to a secret CIA safe house where she will wait for an extraction team to take her back home, but can he be trusted? Show more
US drama series. Odelle finds herself at the mercy of a witch doctor. Harrison and Peter temporarily cross paths, with both facing personal complications. Show more
US drama series. After seeing Aslam's picture on TV, Odelle is reunited with her companion. Harrison and Bob are on the trail of the terrorist who killed Harrison's father. Show more
US drama series. Odelle makes a video recording for a New York Times journalist working out of Paris after learning that Majors is still pursuing her. Show more
US drama series. A distraught Bob confides to Harrison his suspicions of Ruby playing a role in his mother's death. Peter successfully makes contact with Yusuf. Show more
US action drama series. Still in possession of the flash drive, Odelle escapes with Aslam by joining a pilgrimage to Timbuktu. Show more
US drama series. Odelle loses Aslam as he retrieves the flash drive. Harrison finds out from Bob that the email was real, and Peter puts himself and his family in danger. Show more
US drama series. While still captive in Bamako, Odelle comes face to face with her biggest threat - Frank Majors, the OSELA mercenary who is looking to eliminate her. Show more
US drama series. After an extensive background check, Bob learns of Ruby Simms's original identity, but his attempts to warn Harrison backfire. Show more
US drama series. Odelle and Aslam encounter bandits in the desert and Luc surprisingly comes to their rescue. On the way to Timbuktu, Odelle learns about the Frenchman's past. Show more
Comedy series. Dramatic developments at the BBC give Alan a whiff of hope. Show more
Acclaimed American legal drama. After failure in Antigua, Patty and Tom focus on the missing Carol Tobin in their search for her late father's money.
American drama. As Joe hides an incriminating witness, Tom tells his in-laws that their investment in the Tobin Ponzi scheme has bankrupted them. Show more
US drama series. While trying to stay incognito for their trip to Spain, Odelle and Luc face difficulties in deciding what is best for Aslam's future. Show more
US drama series. Odelle and Aslam make it to Spain and are surprised that the person taking care of them is Luc's ex-wife. Show more