Sùil air na h-eileamaidean a tha bunaiteach dhar beatha. An-diugh 's e uisge a th' againn. A look at the classical elements of the universe, continuing today with water. Show more
Sùil air na h-eileamaidean a tha bunaiteach dhar beatha. An-diugh 's e teine a th' againn. A look at the classical elements of the universe, continuing today with fire. Show more
Sùil air na h-eileamaidean a tha bunaiteach dhar beatha. An-diugh 's e talamh a th' againn. A look at the last of our classical elements of the universe - earth. Show more
Sùil air na h-eileamaidean a tha bunaiteach dhar beatha, a' tòiseachadh le èadhar. A look at the classical elements of the universe, beginning with air. Show more