Comedians Ashley Storrie, Christopher Macarthur-Boyd and Rosco McClelland make a wedding cake for a real wedding and test their strength and singing abilities in Car Pull Karaoke. Show more
Comedians Ashley Storrie, Christopher Macarthur-Boyd and Rosco McClelland challenge each other at gymnastics and try their hand at the art of mixology. Show more
Comedians Ashley Storrie, Christopher Macarthur-Boyd and Rosco McClelland learn how to play golf and test their strength and singing abilities in Car Pull Karaoke. Show more
Comedians Ashley Storrie, Christopher Macarthur-Boyd and Rosco McClelland go to cowboy school, compete in a hot dog-eating challenge and are ‘up for fandom’. Show more
Comedians Ashley Storrie, Christopher Macarthur-Boyd and Rosco McClelland perform a routine at dance school, dress as human statues and are ‘up for school’. Show more